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Category: 3 – Gold Trader

Weekly update of precious metals stocks and ETFs and the price of gold itself, featuring Lee Adler’s proprietary cycle analysis, with market trend opinions and stock picks.

Gold Trader Vacation Week

I’m taking a short vacation for the short holiday week, as I travel north from Croatia. The gold report will not be published today, but will return early Monday. I will post a short update on real time Federal tax collections and the deficit, in a few hours.

I hope that you enjoyed the holiday weekend, and are perhaps taking an extended few days to vacation, relax, and enjoy life also. We all need that time after what we’ve been through for the past 17 months.

I certainly feel joy at being able to return to exploring the Old World. Upon saying farewell to 1000 year old Zadar, Croatia, where I resided for the past 8 months, I spent a few days in the amazing city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. It’s one of the most fun and beautiful cities I have seen in Europe.


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Now, I’m in Bratislava, Slovakia, which I have not had a chance to explore yet, but I hear that it too is beautiful. Crossing the Danube by bus last night, I was confronted with a modern city, dotted with tall skyscrapers and construction cranes. It could have been any mid sized American city. Which was odd. I’m looking forward to exploring the Old Town and other historic sites over the next 3 days.

Unfortunately, strolling around the city may not be too enjoyable, with temperatures rising from 92 today to 99 on Thursday. No problem. The humidity will “only” be 41%.

On Friday, I head to Krakow, Poland, and will also visit Auschwitz. I suspect that I have second or third cousins who perished there, and one who may have survived as an infant. From Krakow, I’ll head to Warsaw for a month, where I’ll be doing some digging into my ancestral history. I’ll visit the towns where my maternal grandmother and grandfather grew up before they left for the US, and try to find any archival links to extended family who remained in Poland.

Al that said, I’m definitely looking forward to resuming our regular publication schedule next week! See you then!

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Gold on the Cusp

Gold is in a very precarious place on the charts. The only thing we have to fear isn’t just fear itself. Here’s what I’m worried about. Despite that, I added a chart to our mining picks.

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Our mining picks held their own last week, and we’re holding on to them this week. Here’s the list, with charts.

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Gold On Your Mark

But not set, go, yet. Here’s what to look for, and look out for. Plus a mining pick I like.

Subscribers, click here to download report.

Our mining picks held their own last week, and we’re holding on to them this week. Here’s the list, with charts.

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Indicators Are Good As Gold

Gold’s intermediate term indicators remain bullish, and mining picks are fine.

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Our mining picks held their own last week, and we’re holding on to them this week. Here’s the list, with charts.

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Gold and the Miners Still Have Work To Do

Short term indicators for gold have edged to the sell side. The 13-17 week cycles are due for consolidation. However, cycle projections still point higher. The 9-12 month and 15 month cycle indicators continue to signal upturns, but they need to cross their zero lines to suggest more upside.

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Our mining picks held their own last week, and we’re holding on to them this week. Here’s the list, with charts.

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Gold Miners Surge

A 13-17 week cycle high is due for gold, with a projection of xxxx-xxxx (subscribers only), but the down phase should be benign given the apparent strengthening of the 9-12 month cycle. There’s no longer a projection on that cycle. The 6-7 week cycle projection has risen to xxxx. (subscribers only)

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In the mining stocks, short term cycles remain in up phases, and the 13 week cycle appears to have shifted into trending mode. Cycle projections have risen, with xxx-xxx (subscribers) the likely short term target. The 10-12 month cycle now projects to xxx (Subscribers) in the third quarter.

I have added 5 new miners to the chart pick list. Try Lee Adler’s Gold Trader risk free for 90 days!  

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Gold Breaks Out and We Hold the Picks

Gold broke out of a nice base last week. I’m holding on to our mining picks, except for one that I dropped.

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Try Lee Adler’s Gold Trader risk free for 90 days!  

Gold Going Nowhere, But We Have Mining Picks to Swing

If gold’s trading feels like an indecisive mess to you, it is because it is. Short term and intermediate cycles are all opposed to one another, and there’s no impetus in either direction. But there have been signs of life in the miners, and we have a few picks to swing.

Subscribers, click here to download report.

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