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Category: 2 – Technical Trader

Lee Adler’s proprietary cycle analysis with market trend and position ideas for investors and weekly individual stock swing trade ideas for traders.  

Still Looking for that Rigor Mortis Rally

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The market averages and technical indicators have weakened, but look ready for xxxx xx xxxx xxxx (subscriber version)  before xxxx xxxx (subscriber version)  in.

Cycles – The short term wave looks like it should xxxx (subscriber version)  around xxxx to xxxx over the next week or so. A weak bounce or no bounce should lead to the 10-12 month cycle wave xxxx xxxx .

Third Rail Chart-  The market needs to get below xxxx to break the intermediate uptrend. Failing that, another assault on the highs would be likely.

Should the market break xxxx, the next area of likely support would be around xxxx. And below that, the xxxx-xxxx area would be significant. Breaking that would complete a nice top pattern.

Liquidity is turning bearish, but it will be a gradual process that would allow for possible extension of the stock market rally consistent with the above projections.

Long Term Weekly- SPX would need to end a week conclusively below xxxx(subscriber version)to signal the likely start of a bigger top.

Long term cycle projections point to xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version) ideally due this year. 

Monthly Chart – S&P remains in a narrow uptrend channel with resistance at xxxx (subscriber version). Above that is room to run to xxxx this month.  It would need to end the month below xxxx to break the uptrend and open a chasm to the next support around 4000.

Cycle screening measures are behaving in a way that is unlike the patterns that were prevalent throughout the bull market. Are the dynamics changing finally? Too soon to say, but a downturn from here would signal that the answer is more likely to be yes. The pattern would turn bullish again if the market xxxx x xxxxx xxxx (subscriber version).

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

No Mercy

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The extrication plan that I posted last week did not go well. All of the shorts hit their stops, resulting in losses in all but one of them. The list overall suffered a loss of 3.8% on an average holding period of 23 days. That was worse than the previous week’s 0.8% loss on an average holding period of 29 days.

I’ll close out the one long on Monday with a small gain.

Why so many sell signals from two weeks before failed so badly is a question that I can’t answer. It may be that the sell signals were too obvious, and that many traders were just gunning for the shorts. It is never a good idea to be so confident as to take a week off without stops. That’s one condition where stops are important.

Or don’t put positions on before year end. I’ll try to remember that one at the end of this year.

This Friday’s screens had 19 buys and 22 sells. That’s nearly even. It follows 16 buys and 34 sells the previous Friday. There was no sign of any emergent moves on any of the charts with signals. Most resulted from rangebound jiggles.

There’s just nothing to do this week. I await clearer setups.

Below is the record of last week’s drubbing. It was enough to wipe out all of the 3.1% average gain for picks closed out in December, with a few tenths left over.

The table and charts of open and new picks are below (subscriber version only).

The strategy and tactics opinions expressed in this report illustrate one particular approach to trading. No representation is made that it is the best approach, or even suitable for any particular investor.

These picks are illustrative and theoretical. Nothing in this report is meant as individual investment advice and you should not construe it as such. Trade at your own risk. 

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Don’t Be Surprised, or Fooled, By a Rigor Mortis Rally

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The stock market is again at a fulcrum. It may or may not have one more rigid upright position left in its dying body. Don’t be surprised if it does. And don’t be fooled into thinking it’s a new upleg.

Third Rail Chart-  The S&P remains within uptrend channels. The most important support line runs from xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version)  this week. That would need to be broken to signal a downside reversal.

Cycles – The 10-12 month and 6 month cycles now appear to be in synchronized xxxx xxxx (subscriber version). But there’s still a yet to be negated 6 month cycle projection of xxxx. The 13 week cycle remains in an up phase for now, with a projection of xxxx. But short term cycles have entered down phases, with projections of xxxx to xxxx . If that is reached, would probably negate the 13 week cycle projection.

Liquidity is turning bearish, but it will be a gradual process that would allow for possible extension of the stock market rally consistent with the above projections.

Long Term Weekly- SPX would need to end a week conclusively below xxxx(subscriber version)to signal the likely start of a bigger top.

Long term cycle projections point to xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version) ideally due this year. 

Monthly Chart – S&P remains in a narrow uptrend channel with resistance at xxxx (subscriber version). Above that is room to run to xxxx this month.  It would need to end the month below xxxx to break the uptrend and open a chasm to the next support around 4000.

Cycle screening measures are at yet another inflection point. They need a solid xxxx xxx to turn the picture bearish, and a big up day to suggest a stronger bullish trend. Small moves would leave the status quo of a choppy uptrend in place.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

It’s The Most Blunderful Time of the Year

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In the last episode of how the trading cookie crumbles before the pre-holiday break, I asked the age old question, “Is it time to quit if your chart picks crushed the market?” The answer, of course, is, “Yes.” But I did not heed. I took the time off nearly fully short, with no stops on new picks, and now must find the best way to extricate from these trades and minimize the losses that wiped out a good part of the previous month’s gains.

Prior to Christmas, the previous Friday’s screens had 24 buys and 72 sells. So I went into the holiday period overconfident that I’d be sitting pretty with all shorts.

In the Christmas week, which I took off, the last screen before the holiday had 67 buys and 16 sells.

That should have been the takeout signal for the shorts. Unfortunately, I was enjoying a little vacation, and working on my French long term stay visa application. In other words, asleep at the switch.

So now the question is, given where these picks now stand on their charts, what’s the best course of action. This Friday’s screens had 16 buys and 34 sells.

After reviewing the charts, I decided that rather than bail immediately on the shorts, I want to give them just a tad more rope, because there seems to be some potential for a pullback. At the same time, I want to set my stops at a level where it would be appropriate to abandon hope, all ye fools who enter there. So the list now has tight stops on all picks.

The charts of the current screen output are mostly trendless, jiggly, and muddy. I saw nothing compelling either as a buy or a short, so I’m adding nothing to the list this week.

The list now has 8 open picks, ending the week with an average loss of 0.8% on an average holding period of 29 calendar days. That wiped out a gain of 5.8% on an average holding period of 22 calendar 2 weeks earlier.

The table and charts of open and new picks are below (subscriber version only).

Table (subscriber version only)

Charts (subscriber version only)

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

The strategy and tactics opinions expressed in this report illustrate one particular approach to trading. No representation is made that it is the best approach, or even suitable for any particular investor.

These picks are illustrative and theoretical. Nothing in this report is meant as individual investment advice and you should not construe it as such. Trade at your own risk. 

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The Rigor Mortis Stock Market Rally

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

In the long run, we’re all dead, and so is this bull market, whose end is ideally due this year. But in the short run, it still has room to run. We must give the uptrend the benefit of the doubt until there’s more hard evidence that a turn is under way.

Third Rail Chart- The S&P is trading near the center of a short term uptrend channel. The first support line rises from xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version) this week. A second line is just below that. The S&P would need to break both lines to have a shot at a downside reversal.

Cycles The 10-12 month and 6 month cycle tops are ideally due any time between now and xxxx  xxxxxx xxxx (subscriber version). Cycle projections now point to highs of xxxx to xxxx.

The 13 week cycle is in an up phase ideally due to top out xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version). The cycle projection is xxxx, which is an outlier at this point. The 13 week and 6 month cycle up phases would remain in force as long as the market stays above xxxx.

Short term cycles have projections of xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version), and are due to top out in January.

Cycle Screening data is at an inflection point. The current negative divergence between these indicators and the market averages doesn’t mean much yet. It only will if there’s downside follow through this week. Otherwise, the benefit of the doubt still goes to the bullish case. 

Liquidity is turning bearish, but it will be a gradual process that would allow for extension of the stock market rally consistent with the above projections.

Long Term Weekly SPX would need to end a week conclusively belowxxxx (subscriber version) to signal what could be the start of a bigger top.  

New long term cycle projections point to xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version) ideally due xxxx  this year.   

Monthly Chart – In the clear for a run to xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version) in January. It would need to end the month below xxxx (subscriber version) to break the uptrend.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

Holiday Wishes and Publication Schedule

I want to wish you and your family Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays, and Happy Festivus, the holiday for the rest of us.

I will celebrate by looking around Warsaw for an open Chinese restaurant where I can get takeout. I won’t be eating in this year (I wonder why).

Today at Malbork Castle, Malbork, Poland
Today at Malbork Castle, Malbork, Poland 12/22/21 

I want to thank you especially for allowing me the privilege of doing this work that I love, for you for the past 21 years. Whether you’ve been a subscriber for the past 21 days, but especially if you’ve been around for most or all of those years, your interest and confidence in me is a gift that I always appreciate! I hope that you enjoy and learn nearly as much from my reporting as I do from doing it.

I know that you will probably be enjoying the coming days with your families and hopefully not paying much attention to the markets. I’ll use that opportunity to take a break myself over this week. There will be no Liquidity Trader, Technical Trader, or Gold Trader posts between now and New Years weekend. Regular publication will resume in the New Year, with a bevy of reports. So be sure to stay tuned for that.

If anything strikes me as noteworthy over the coming week, I’ll throw up some quick comments on the Capitalstool message board and in my Twitter feed.

So to you and yours, Happy Holidays! See you in the New Year!


PS. I apologize for the fact that if you subscribe to more than one of the services, you have gotten this email once for each of them.  Sorry for clogging the inbox! 😁

Is It Time to Quit if Your Chart Picks Crushed the Market Last Week?

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

This Friday’s screens had 24 buys and 72 sells. That compares with the previous Friday’s 15 buys and 9 sells.

I concluded last week that the small number of signals, particularly buy signals suggested that the rally was exhausted, despite the buys having the edge. I chose not to add any charts to the list, long or short, but held on to all of the shorts that had been on the list.

That looks to have been the correct judgement.  The list had 8 open picks, ending the week with an average gain of 5.8% on an average holding period of 22 calendar days, i.e. 3 weeks and a day. That’s the second best weekly performance of the last month and one of the best since I began this exercise a couple of years ago. It was up from +3.1% and 15 days the previous week.  This is cash basis, no leverage.

By contrast the S&P 500 lost 1.7% over the past 22 days and nearly 2% last week.  Maybe we should follow the old adage, quit while you’re a head, because you never know what might be a foot. Especially when it comes to the TA and the market. Sometimes the TA beats the market, and sometimes the market kicks your ass.

Which is why your trading strategy needs to include a mechanism to minimize losses, or what traders euphemistically call “drawdowns.” Mine is to avoid stops initially, but to minimize risk by spreading it across multiple picks, with the expectation that one or two will run big –  enough to offset the Biggest Loser. It’s not glamorous, but it works.

I then use trend support and resistance based picks to close out picks as they mature.

This week, 1465 stocks met the initial screening criteria. 6.6% of them rendered signals on Friday, which above the average 3 to 5%. 4.9% of the stocks that met the minimum criteria had sell signals. That is also a significant number, but indicates neither thrust, norm maximum momentum. So staying mostly short looks like the way to go this week, but as existing picks have aged a bit it’s time to tighten some of those stops and protect profits.

After reviewing the charts from the screen, I’m adding 5 of them to the list this week, all on the short side. That will bring the list to a full complement of 13 picks, only one of which is long.

I have updated the stops on some of the picks and added a stop to the one long pick. The rest of the stops remain in place. As usual, I’ll roll the dice on the new picks, give them a chance to breathe, and let them ride for at least this week.

The table and charts of open and new picks are below (subscriber version only).

Table (subscriber version only)

Charts (subscriber version only)

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

The strategy and tactics opinions expressed in this report illustrate one particular approach to trading. No representation is made that it is the best approach, or even suitable for any particular investor.

These picks are illustrative and theoretical. Nothing in this report is meant as individual investment advice and you should not construe it as such. Trade at your own risk. 

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How to Tell When This Inconclusive Market Turns Dangerous

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

The timing of a likely 10-12 month cycle top is uncertain. The 6 month cycle, however, has begun to show signs of topping out. This report shows you what to look for.

The shorter cycle setup suggests that nothing significant will happen this week, but at the same time, that anything could happen. We wait for a tipping point that signals the next big move, day to day. But liquidity is trending bearish. 

On the cycle chart, all channels are still rising. The SPX would need to end the week below xxxx (subscriber version) to signal a potential change of direction in the longer term cycles of 10-12 months or more.   

On the Third Rail Chart the SPX is churning in two crossing channels. One is a short term channel with a slight downslope. Support descends from xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version) this week. Uptrending support below that rises from xxxx to xxxx . All would need to be broken to start anything significant on the downside. If the market starts off to the upside there are wide open spaces to the first trend resistance line at xxxx.

On the weekly chart the uptrend is tenuous but intact, despite the negative divergence in 3-4 year cycle momentum. SPX would need to end a week conclusively below xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version) to signal that this might be the start of a bigger top.

The monthly chart now shows the conditions suggesting the formation of a 7 year cycle top. If the S&P ends December below xxxx (subscriber version), the uptrend would be broken, and the target would then be the trendline now at 4000. Conversely, if the xxxx area remains intact, the way would be clear for a move to xxxx-xxxx in early 2022.

Cycle screening measures are inconclusive after dropping last week. Up days early this week would tend to xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx (subscriber version) intermediate term outlook. But weakness would suggest at least xxxx, or even something much bigger. Here again, we await signs of a tipping point. This report shows you the trigger levels.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

Swing Trade Screens – More Buys Than Sells Again This Week

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This Friday’s screens had 15 buys and 9 sells. That compares with the previous Friday’s 50 buys and 16 sells, a solid precursor to last week’s rally.

1439 stocks met the initial screening criteria in the current screen. Only 1.7% of them rendered signals on Friday, which is far below the normal 3-5%. Only 1% of the stocks that met the minimum criteria had buy signals. That could mean that the move is already exhausted.

I’m making no new additions to the list this week, either long or short. Last week, I added just one long. Everything else on the list was short, leading to a bad week.  Including picks that were stopped out, and those still open, the list ended the week with an average gain of just 3.1% on a 15 calendar day average holding period. That compared with the previous week’s average gain of +8.1% with an average holding period of 18 days.

The list will now have 8 open picks, of which just one is a long, and the rest are shorts. I’ve added stops to all of the shorts, in case they don’t roll over again.

The table and charts of open picks are below (subscriber version only).

Table (subscriber version only)

Charts (subscriber version only)

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

The strategy and tactics opinions expressed in this report illustrate one particular approach to trading. No representation is made that it is the best approach, or even suitable for any particular investor.

These picks are illustrative and theoretical. Nothing in this report is meant as individual investment advice and you should not construe it as such. Trade at your own risk. 

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Here’s Why Not to be Dumbfounded in Disbelief

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The 10-12 month cycle now appears to be in trending mode. The timing of a likely top is uncertain. The 6 month cycle has returned to its up phase path. The up phases in those two cycles that appeared to abort the week before have reasserted themselves. The 6 month cycle projection is now xxxx (subscriber version). There’s a 4 week cycle projection of xxxx (subscriber version).

On the Third Rail Chart the SPX is now in a meltup channel that is targeting xxxx (subscriber version). If it stops at xxxx instead, it could be a top, but I wouldn’t bet on that unless and until it dropped back below xxxx.

On the weekly chart, last week’s rebound repaired the technical damage of the week before. The uptrend is intact, despite the negative divergence in 3-4 year cycle momentum. SPX would need to end a week conclusively below xxxx (subscriber version) to signal that this might be the start of a bigger top.

The monthly chart now shows the conditions suggesting the formation of a 7 year cycle top. If the S&P ends December below xxxx (subscriber version), the uptrend would be broken, and the target would then be the trendline now at 4000. Conversely, if the xxxx area remains intact, the way would be clear for a move to xxxxxxx xxxxx in early 2022.

Cycle screening measures screamed higher in a pattern similar to October-November 2020. That led to a breakout and long upleg. It doesn’t guarantee the same outcome here, but we need to be cognizant, and prepared for the possibility. We don’t want to be dumbfounded in disbelief, and get caught flatfooted. I’ll keep you updated on conditions and signals in these reports.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance.