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The Composite Liquidity Indicator (CLI) Says Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother

This was inadvertently posted a moment ago with the wrong headline and post link. Sorry for the error!

Macro Liquidity continues to bulge. The stock market has followed. It became oversold versus the surge in liquidity that the Fed initiated in March 2020. And it hasn’t looked back since. Should we expect to see stock prices become overbought again before the next big crash?

Stock prices have caught up with liquidity but with liquidity expected to continue rising stock prices could continue to rise along with it.  But the balance is shifting and we may not need to see Overbought again on this chart before the next crash. Here’s why, and how I’m approaching it.

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Posted in 1 - Liquidity Trader- Macro Liquidity, Fed, Central Bank and Banking Macro Liquidity