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Stimmy Gonna Leave Its Mark… In Bond Trader’s Underwear

Back on February 5th, I wrote in this report:

The withholding data strongly suggests that more stimulus isn’t needed. As vaccine distribution widens, the economy should heat up on its own. Any additional government juice will heat it up even more.

What the unintended consequences of that will be, we can only guess. Here’s one guess. Institutional balanced fund managers will dump Treasuries and buy stocks.

That will first lead to a blowoff in stocks, which seems to be underway now. But a collapse in the bond markets that’s not offset with equal profits for Primary Dealers from stocks, could lead to a crash in stocks too.

I repeated that message in early March based on the February tax data.

So we knew very well that blockbuster jobs numbers were coming. The BLS (Bureau of Liar Statistics) may lie sometimes, but the tax data doesn’t. All you need to do is look at it. Wall Street eConomists can’t be bothered.

The US Treasury is kind enough to report its tax collections to us EVERY SINGLE DAY, one day after it is collected and counted. Who could ask for better data than that? Pure, raw, unmanipulated, hard data, that not a single Wall Street, or academic, eConomist pays any attention to.

Instead, they watch the heavily manipulated, after the fact, subsequently massively revised, government economic data. Then they spin it to fit their narrative. Wall Street has something to sell you. Academic eConomists are either selling, acting as paid shills, or are simply on ego trips.

There are a handful of good ones out there, and some who are doing serious research, I guess. We don’t hear about them. But the ones who show up repeatedly in the Wall Street media are shills often getting paid to represent a certain political or business point of view.

Conversely, we focus on the hard data. No interpretation needed. It is what it is. Compare this year with the same period last year. Put it on a chart or two. See how that comparison is moving along month to month. And you know EXACTLY what the economy is doing in real time without having to guess what some lying liar eConomist is trying to sell you.

In March, withholding taxes rose at the same rate as in February, which was very, very strong. I show you the trends via a nice chart and a couple of tables in this report, and I tell you what it means for the Treasury market, and what it implies for stocks.

And that is that we are headed for a big cliff. Enjoy the party while it lasts. I’ll tell you when we’re near the cliff.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

Available at this link for legacy Treasury subscribers.

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Posted in 1 - Liquidity Trader- Macro Liquidity, US Treasury Market and Tax Revenue Trends