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Swing Trade Chart Picks – Adding Late Cycle Buys

Swing trade stock screens produced 121 charts with multiple buy signals as of the last two trading days of the past week. There were just 42 charts with a second sell signal. That’s roughly the same ratio as the week before. Non-subscribers click here for access.

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Average swing trade chart pick theoretical profit rose to 10.8% last week, on an average holding period of 27 calendar days. Whenever the list profit has reached an average of 10% over the past 18 months, the market has subsequently reversed. While many charts are extended, and/or at or near resistance levels, I’m not seeing signs of reversal here yet. Non-subscribers click here for access.

I’m adding four late cycle buy signals to the list. Picking up laggards is risky when a rally is this far along but I liked these charts enough to add them to the list. There were more that I could have added and didn’t because the list is already so loaded. Those that I did add were the best looking ones. Non-subscribers click here for access.

Five picks hit stops last week and will no longer appear on the list. I am pulling two stocks from the list as of today’s opening price. I have adjusted stops on others. These moves, along with the new additions will leave 16 buys and one short on the list over the coming week. Non-subscribers click here for access.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

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Posted in 2 - Technical Trader
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