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Liquidity Says, The End Is Nigh, Almost

Market rallies continue to be supported by adequate liquidity, but there are chinks in the armor. Nothing outright says “Sell now,” but there are warning signs that say, xxxx xxxx now. It’s probably too late. Non-subscribers, click here for access. 

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One item to watch closely is repo usage. Repo growth is absolutely necessary in this market to fund an uptrend in stock prices. And Repo has been dropping like a rock since peaking at the end of September. So far, there’s just a break of the short-term trend, which isn’t significant in the big picture, but it could be if it continues, or backs and fills for a while and then breaks down. Non-subscribers, click here for access. 

We also need to watch the Fed’s RRP slush fund as it approaches zero. That will become one less bullish prop for the markets. It has been a form of deferred QE, or strategic QE reserve, stored up from the old days when the Fed pumped so much money into the system, $2.5 trillion of it wasn’t able to be deployed. Now that RRP money is almost all gone, absorbed by a couple years of Treasury issuance. Non-subscribers, click here for access. 

Meanwhile, total money is still surging, so there’s still plenty of cash around. That’s a reflection of the market generating profits, and money growth, on its own. But it’s not a matter of sufficiency. It’s a matter of willingness to deploy, and that’s at an all time high. The question is how much farther can that willingness be stretched as prices rise higher and higher. Non-subscribers, click here for access. 

The markets are creating money with no help from the Fed. That’s strictly a matter of sentiment, or call it animal spirits. And that can change. That change is what we are looking for in this liquidity data. Right now the markets are especially vulnerable to sentiment changing. Stock prices are more extended versus money supply than at any point in history. Which means that the risk of a sentiment change is higher than at any point in history. Non-subscribers, click here for access. 

For now, the stock market remains a xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx. The bond market has probably already made xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx, but it will be a jagged path that will depend in part on the supply schedule. Yields began to soar as bond prices plunged in recent weeks. But thanks in part to light Treasury coupon issuance this week, ……… Non-subscribers, click here for access. 

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Posted in 1 - Liquidity Trader- Money Trends, Fed, Central Bank and Banking Macro Liquidity
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