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Category: Fed, Central Bank and Banking Macro Liquidity

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The Dow, Macro Liquidity, and the Fate of Russian Generals

I began to warn in December 2021 that the process of the CLI flattening was beginning, and that that would lead to bad things happening. Subsequently, the line maintained a steady rise until March 2022 when the Fed ended QE. It’s hard to see on the scale of this chart( I began to warn in December 2021 that the process of the CLI flattening was beginning, and that that would lead to bad things happening.

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So far, those bad things that I predicted have barely scratched the surface of the potential of what’s to come as this line stays flat. The Fed has warned us that it will start shrinking its balance sheet after the May FOMC meeting. That will pull money out of the banking system. That’s when we should start to see really “bad things.”

Meanwhile, the stock market is has reached the low side of its normal band of motion from the CLI. If history is any guide, the stock market will remain vulnerable to further severe declines until a week or two after the line representing the S&P 500 penetrates the bottom of the normal range of motion from the liquidity line.

In 2011, touching the bottom of the band was a bullish signal. But I don’t think that will work today. Back then the Fed was loose and committed to stay loose. Now, it’s in just the opposite posture. They won’t be sending the cavalry to help the stock market any time soon.

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Primary Dealers Still Long and Wrong, But A Gift Rally Looms!

After a disastrous couple of months in the bond market, conditions are now set up for x xxxxxx  there. Treasury bill paydowns will be enormous over the next month. No one expects this, because the market has been so horrible, and the Fed is so tight and will soon get even tighter. But the markets will be xxxx xx xxx from these Treasury paydowns. They’ve already started, and they will surge to enormous levels over the next 2-3 weeks.

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So what would I do with this information? The same thing I’ve been doing for the past 20 months. They’re gifts to us on the way to Dante’s Inferno. If I owned bonds, I would xxx xxxx. If I owned stocks, I would xxxx xxxx. And I would keep looking for stocks to xxxx on the xxxxxx.

I know. Cash is trash when inflation is high and interest rates are negative to inflation, but it’s less trashy than assets that are actively losing value. The strategy that I think makes the most sense in such an environment is to trade stocks from the xxxx side. I publish the weekly swing trade chart picks for those who are looking for ideas along those lines.

Meanwhile, the Primary Dealers are STILL positioned wrong. They’ll get this little rally in the short run to help salve their wounds. But I stress – short run.

Dare I say, “Sell in May and go away?” But make that the xxxx xx xxxx. The Treasury paydowns should continue lubricating the market well xxxx xxxx xxxx.

The problem after that is that the Primary Dealers and the biggest banks who own them have enormous hidden losses that aren’t showing up yet on bank earnings statements or balance sheets. As market conditions tighten in the second half of this year and margin calls beget losses, which beget more margin calls, those hidden losses will start to show up. Banks will be forced to liquidate some of their assets and will be forced to report some of those losses.

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Why March Withholding Taxes Showing Red Hot Economy Is Bearish

Federal tax collections were exceptionally strong for the full month in March, including withholding taxes in particular. The jobs gains reported by the BLS, were, if anything, understated.

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You may think that this strong economic data is good news for the markets. But it’s not. A red hot economy will continue to feed raging inflation. The Fed will have no choice but to continue tightening policy.

The markets will get a xxxx xxxx xxxx (subscriber report) thanks to seasonal Treasury paydowns in April and May, but after that, the tightening monetary conditions should have devastating effects on xxxx xxxx xxxx. Therefore, rallies in stocks and bonds into mid May will continue to be xxxx xxxx xxxx.

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FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Worked to help you understand what will happen when it stops. 

Fragile and Dangerous Semi Blind Spot

This report shows the imbalance of Fed liquidity driven demand and the coming short term liquidity boost from seasonal Treasury paydowns. However,  I’ve added something to this report that makes clear just how dangerous this market is.

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Banking data shows us the growing fragility of the system. Given that fragility, any seasonal liquidity driven rally in stocks and bonds will be a gift to those who have been holding and hoping. It will be yet another chance to get out. This report lays out the timing of that liquidity surge, and the likely impact on the markets. Non-subscribers, click here for access.  

The rally has already begun in the stock market. It could see a bit of a shake over the next week or so, but with massive Treasury paydowns on the way, I don’t expect the rally to be derailed yet. So I’m willing to give my buy side swing trade picks featured in the Technical Trader more running room here. They’re doing well. I expect that to continue.

Of course, bonds haven’t rallied in the past couple of months. Instead, they’ve crashed yet again. But the conditions will be ripe for a reaction rally in the Treasury market and related fixed income markets starting next month. This report lays out the likely timing and yield parameters of the next move in bonds. If I owned any bonds, here’s what I would do.

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Act on real-time reality!

FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Worked – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money will help you understand why going in reverse will be a disaster.

Seven and a Half Weeks of Bullish Liquidity Ahead

It’s the most bullishful time of the year. The annual corporate tax windfall just hit the US Treasury cash account this week. Individual annual and quarterly estimated taxes will hit on April 18. The Treasury’s coffers will be stuffed with cash, and they will use it to pay down T-bills. They already have begun.

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Treasury supply is currently nil on a net basis thanks to big T-bill paydowns over the past week. At the same time, it’s the Fed’s MBS settlement week. Cash is pouring into Primary Dealer Accounts, to the tune of $119 billion this week. $77.5 billion of that already hit on Monday, March 14, and $14.9 billion hit on Thursday, March 17. The rest comes Monday March 21. Pump that much cash into dealer accounts in a few days, with no Treasury supply to be absorbed, and we see the results, a big pop in stock prices.

But they continue to sell bonds.

The markets should experience a hit at the end of March from the downward price pressure of Treasury coupon supply issuance, while the Fed is doing nothing, which suppresses demand. But then a real tidal wave of cash flowing into the market will start in mid April, when individual tax collections come in to the US Treasury, and that should give both the stock and bond markets a boost.

After that, things will get really bad.

This report tells you what to expect, when to expect it, and shows you exactly why (subscriber version).

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Act on real-time reality!

FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Worked – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money will help you understand why going in reverse will be a disaster.

Get Ready For Serial Market Crashes

The last time we looked at the Composite Liquidity Indicator (CLI), 4 months ago, I warned that the process of flattening the indicator was beginning, and that that would lead to bad things happening. Those bad things have been under way for a couple of months, but they have barely scratched the surface of the potential of what’s to come as this line turns flat. See chart (subscriber version).

The stock market is approaching the low side of its normal band of motion from the CLI. If history is any guide, the stock market will remain vulnerable to further severe declines until a week or two after the line representing the S&P 500 penetrates the bottom of the normal range of motion from the liquidity line.

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Then we face the prospect that liquidity could be even tighter than during the period of October 2017 to September 2019 when the Yellen Fed was temporarily “normalizing” its balance sheet. See chart (subscriber version).  The Fed is again threatening to begin shrinking the balance sheet. But this time around the market must absorb a far higher amount of new Treasury supply than it did in 2017-19, when the Fed last tightened.

Shrinking the Fed’s balance sheet now would pull cash out of the banking system, causing deposits to at least turn flat, if not shrink outright. I would have to bet that the Fed will never get to that point. The effects of merely holding QE at zero will be bad enough.

As for the War in Ukraine, it’s not helping, but stocks were already down nearly 9% the day that Putin attacked. Furthermore, historically, periods of war have been bullish for stocks. That’s because central banks have typically printed reams of money during wartime. Today, the Fed doesn’t have that luxury, with the  CPI headline print almost 8%, and actual inflation at least 13%.

Wars don’t drive asset price trends. Central bank policy drives asset prices. Today, central banks simply cannot be easy during this wartime because of the devastating inflation already under way.

Under these conditions, where systemic liquidity stays flat, at best, my bet would be that we will see cataclysmic selloffs in stocks at times. Violent rallies will follow, but will inevitably result in lower highs.

Led by the Fed, the world’s biggest central banks have painted themselves, and us, into a corner. They can no longer continue to tilt the playing field in favor of the continuation of a long-running secular bubble. The consequences would simply be too dire.

On the other hand, there will be equally terrible consequences for maintaining tight policy. And I’m not talking about how much they raise interest rates. That’s a sideshow that is an effect of tight money. The market will tell the Fed what to announce about rates. It must simply rubber stamp the market, lest the public realize that the Fed doesn’t control rates the way that it wants the public to think that it does.

Now the Fed is not printing enough money to absorb virtually all new Treasury issuance, with additional cash left over to support stock prices. If it sticks to this new policy of no QE, money rates will rise. Bond prices will fall and yields rise, margin calls will go out. Stock prices will fall. More margin calls will go out. And so on.

But only when consumer prices start to fall will the Fed be able to resume QE. By then, asset prices should be much lower than they are today. Therefore, I will continue to focus on looking for good short to intermediate term stock xxxx xxxxx (subscriber version).. I would continue to xxxx xxxxx (subscriber version). the bond market xxxx xxxxx.

Even bondholders who hold to maturity will get robbed. Inflation will eat them alive.

Will gold be a long term hedge for all of it? In theory, it should be, but we all know about the difference between theory and practice. Meanwhile, the long term charts of gold and some gold mining stocks look more bullish.

I’ll continue to use technical analysis in the Gold Trader reports to try to identify when this gold bull breakout is overdone. And I’ll continue to look for good entry points for getting long the mining stocks.

Meanwhile, none of this has come as a surprise. We were forewarned.

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FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Worked – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money will help you understand why going in reverse will be a disaster.

Withholding Tax Surge in February was All Inflation

Federal tax collections looked strong for the full month in February.

Don’t be fooled. It was an illusion due to a calendar effect and inflation.

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That’s a sudden, dramatic sea change from the strong growth path of the past 6 months or so.

This bodes ill for my expectation that a booming economy would boost tax revenues to help offset the amount of new Treasury issuance that the market would need to absorb. Even taking that optimistic assessment of tax collections into account, I had expected the market to still be unable to digest all the new supply without the Fed doing the lion’s share of it. I had still expected an ongoing bear market in Treasuries.

Now the situation looks even worse, and the short term flight to safety rally isn’t helping the situation.

Here’s why (subscriber version).

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FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Worked to help you understand what will happen when it stops. 

Liquidity With Eyes Glued to Ukraine

I’ve been doom scrolling my newsfeeds for the past few days, not getting much work done. What a catastrophe. War in Europe, just 120 miles from where I was living a few short weeks ago.

I just communicated with a Ukrainian friend who lives in Kyiv and owns a number of apartments there. She left the city with her family on Thursday, for what she felt was greater safety in the west of the country. She said that the Russians are shelling and firing missiles at civilian targets indiscriminately, and that many ordinary people have died. She called Putin crazy. Then she noted how proud she was of her countrymen for their firm resistance.

I made several friends in Eastern Europe during my 26 months living there. I got to know their attitudes toward Putin and the Russians. My friends are all older people. They lived for decades under Russian domination. They love freedom and they hate the Russians viscerally. They will never surrender, even if Russia finally dominates in this conflict and subjugates them.

The question for us here is how this will impact monetary policy. We already know that the Russian central bank will be blocked from moving money, and that some Russian banks will be blocked from accessing the international payments system. No doubt this chaos will trigger a roundabout detour in the Fed’s tightening policy.

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But will they actually reverse and return to QE? We’ll have to see what’s next. I would suspect that most of the easing would be directed at their cohort, the ECB, and other central banks. My guess is that they won’t immediately return to outright QE, pumping money into Primary Dealer accounts again, at least not right away.

The Fed is boxed in. It faces the prospect of an international financial crisis. It faces the reality of 40 year record inflation that has the prospect of worsening. We’ll watch what the Fed says because it will lead us to what they’ll probably do. Although in emergencies, the doing comes first. And markets respond to the doing, not the talking, despite what the Fed and the high priests of Wall Street want you to think.

So unless they pump money directly back into the markets via buying securities from Primary Dealers, it won’t reverse the course of the financial markets. Bond prices will still xxxx xxxxx (subscriber version). and yields xxxx xxxxx. Stock prices will have their usual April seasonal bump from tax revenues being used to pay down Treasury debt for a few weeks. Then they’ll xxxx xxxx.

I believe that unless the Fed returns to buying paper from the dealers, that course is set. If they do return to QE, I’ll wait and see what the market response is. Normally I’d say it would be a go, bullish. But the dealers still have the option of simply paying down debt with the proceeds of selling their Treasuries and MBS to the Fed. If they were to do that, game over.

Meanwhile, I say what I’ve been saying for the past 18 months. I would continue to xxxx xxxxx (subscriber version) bond market. If I had any long term bonds in my portfolio, which I don’t, I’d xxxx xxxxx.

There are, of course, ways to xxxx xxxxx the bond market. I’d rather xxxx xxxxx stocks. Just my preference.

Stocks will have rallies. I’ll use the TA to xxxx stocks for swing trades when they look good for that. I’ll continue to report weekly on that, and the overall technical market outlook in the Technical Trader reports.

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FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Worked – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money 

Primary Dealers Are STILL Positioned WRONG!

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Not much has changed since our last look at Primary Dealer data 4 weeks ago. The script is playing out. It’s Greek tragedy, because we know what’s coming. I’ll recount what we’ve already said, and add plot embellishments from current data that the Fed posted Thursday, that’s up to date through 10 days ago.

The bottom line is that the financial market is moving towards a crisis. Fast. It will continue to do so as the Fed cuts QE first to zero, then goes in reverse. It will do so even more as the Fed shrinks its balance sheet by allowing maturing paper to be paid off rather than rolled over. If they do that, the pressure on on Primary Dealers will only get worse. They have not established the net short positions needed to manage it.

On average, their positioning is not good for a decline in bond prices (rise in yields.) Some Primary Dealers are probably well positioned. That means that some, if not most, are not. Those who are not well positioned are almost certainly already in trouble.

This won’t end well.

This report has the charts and analysis to prove it.

I’ve opined to stay away from the bond market for the past 18 months. Has that now changed? And what about stocks?

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Act on real-time reality!

FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Worked – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money It’s history now, but will help you understand why this market can’t survive without it. 

Fed Gets the Inflation It Wanted, But Wait There’s More!

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The Federal budget deficit is shrinking as the economy experiences an inflationary boom. This is just what the Fed was hoping for, but inflation has obviously gotten away from them. It will only get worse as the lagging rent component of CPI will push the total index higher, even if and when the other components begin to moderate.

The rent of shelter and owner’s equivalent rent that’s based on it make up about 40% of Core CPI. Those two components are not based on real time market rents. They’re based on a survey of renters, asking them what they’re paying. The OER is derived from that as a base, and then adjusted from time to time by asking homeowners how much they thought their houses would rent for… As if they knew.

This isn’t merely a dumbass way to measure rent inflation, it’s fraud. Contract rents are usually adjusted upward at a rate far below the increase in market rent. That’s because landlords like to keep good tenants in place rather than incur the friction costs of raising the rent too much and having them leave. It costs money to find a new tenant, and spruce up the unit.

So when the BLS asks tenants what they’re paying, it does not get the full effect of the currently soaring rents. Apartment List does a national rent report showing rents up 17.8% year over year. BLS has imputed the rent component of CPI at 4.1%. At 40% of core, this difference means that the BLS is understating total Core CPI by roughly 5.5 percentage points. That’s obscene. It’s an affront to human intelligence.

But CPI was never intended to measure inflation. That’s why they took home prices out of the index in 1982. CPI was always intended as a tool for indexing government wages and benefits, and industrial labor contracts. In the 1970s indexing got too expensive as home prices surged. So they worked out a way to remove house prices and falsify the housing component of CPI beginning in ‘82.

Now, the Fed is devaluing the mountain of debt out there. Bond holders will get a small fraction of their purchasing power back if they hold to maturity. And if they don’t, and sell along the way they’ll get killed on the capital loss as a result of collapsing bond prices.

We saw this coming since about a month after the bond market turned in August 2020. I don’t think it will get better any time soon, although certainly there will be bond rallies from time to time. Still consistent with my message of the past 18 months, they’ll be xxxx xxxxx (subscriber version).

Meanwhile, the budget deficit will narrow as long as the economy booms. That will reduce Treasury supply. But it won’t reduce it to $20 billion a month. Maybe it will fall to an average of $60 billion per month as some forecasts suggest. Maybe it won’t. I don’t know. The economy is booming at the moment, and there’s no reason yet to expect a slowdown.

But it doesn’t matter. Because the market has shown that it can only absorb $20 billion per month while the Fed kept bond prices stable and suppressed by buying or funding $180-$200 billion per month in net new supply.

Now, if the Fed isn’t buying, and the market can only absorb $20 billion per month, with supply even as low as $60 billion, that’s $40 billion in excess supply that the market can’t take at a stable bond price.

Therefore, bond prices will xxxx xxxxx (subscriber version) and so will stocks, as they get xxxx xxxxx . They’ll be xxxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx on leveraged funds who hold both stocks and fixed income. And they’ll get xxxx xxxxx because eventually rising yields will force some money managers to xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx.

There will be no xxxx xxx xxxxx, except to xxxx xxxxx (subscriber version). I’ll continue to look for xxx xxxx trading opportunities in the Technical Trader reports. I’ll leave xxx xxxx the bond market to whale hedge fund professionals.

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FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Works – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money