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Category: 2 – Technical Trader

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Chart Picks – Tons of Fake Signals Are Mostly Noise

Since the last report two weeks ago, before our half-season break, four picks hit their stops. All were longs. Ironically, the only remaining pick is a short, and it has a minimal gain. I tightened the stop on it. For some odd reason, I suspect that it will get taken out. 😉

The current screen from charts as of the close on Friday, July 9, had a whopping 139 buys and 13 sells. Two of the sells were inverse funds, making the final score Bulls 141, Bears 11. But the kicker is that 7 of the sells were bond funds. There were only 4 equity sell signals out of the total 152 signals. That’s mind boggling.

I took a little vacation last week, so no weekly figures to compare. Before the break, they had been lopsided on the buy side. The market has made surprisingly little upside progress, given the surfeit of buy signals. There’s a lot of noise, and not a lot of direction in these signals.

The enormous bullish spread on Friday would normally suggest thrust, and a new upleg, meaning that this rally would be likely to run for weeks. But, once again, I wasn’t impressed after eyeballing all 152 of the charts with signals. Most looked to be of the rangebound whipsaw variety. I didn’t see that many that appeared to be in an early upmove setup. There were only 5 charts I liked enough to add to the list for this week.

Here are the picks I liked from Friday’s raw data. They’re all longs. The stop levels also represent no-go prices if the these long picks open below their stop.

Table in subscriber report.

This table summarizes recent list performance. Current charts of new picks are below.

Get the newest pick and review charts of existing picks in today’s report. Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report. 

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End Stage Rally

Last week’s rally still left the appearance that the longer cycles are topping out. There are some warning signs that stick out like sore thumbs. But first, more upside. Here’s how much, and when to look for it to end.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

Note: Next weekend is the Fourth of July, with the holiday celebrated Monday for US business. In honor of that, and the fact that I’ll be doing a little traveling (Slovenia that weekend), and that none of you will be here either 😁, I will also take a few days off. Therefore, this report and the Chart Picks report will not be published next week. They will return as usual, in the early morning hours of Monday, July 12 from Krakow, Poland.

Now that I have my vaccination certificate, I plan to do quite a bit of traveling again. If you’re interested in travel, I post my better photos at Join me in my travels around Europe!

Chart Picks for the Week of June 28, 2021

Yet again, whenever I pick a few shorts to add to the list, the market smacks me upside the head. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. It’s like our permabear friends, whose names I’ll withhold out of respect for the dead, who have been warning for 12 years that the market is about to crash. They will be right one day. Well, every few months I’ll see a few short picks that I like and add them to the list. We’ll probably keep losing money on them, but one day, I’ll be right. You’ll see! 😆

Good grief, though. I’m beginning to wonder if this will ever end.

The list had an average performance of -0.2% on an average holding period of 6 calendar days, including a couple that got stopped out.  I’m adding two longs this week.

The current screen from charts as of the close on Friday, June 25, had 48 buys and 7 sells. Two of the sells were inverse funds, making the final score Bulls 50, Bears 5. I am adding two of the buys to the list for this week. They are highlighted in green in the chart below.

The bulls won every day last week, of course.  For the past 5 trading days, there were 244 buys versus 48 sells, a spread of +206. That’s the biggest bullish tilt since +218 on May 20.

But the character of this is different than the last two times there was a triple digit buy side advantage. Both of those rode the back of one big thrust day. This time it’s just been a steady roll higher. It feels like an end stage move, rather than an initial thrust.

Get the newest pick and review charts of existing picks in today’s report. Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report. 

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Flying Blind, But They Warned Us

Cycles are topping out. That includes the big ones.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

Pick List Longs Escape With Flying Colors, Now for the Shorts

Every week I run technical stock screens covering all NYSE and NASD stocks trading above $6 and averaging more than 1 million shares a day. This typically results in between 15 and 50 charts to review visually. I’m looking for low risk, high reward price structures, which I’m not smart enough to program into the screening process. But it’s ok. I like to look at charts. 

Existing picks, all longs, held up pretty well in last week’s selling. 3 of them dipped below their stops, with gains in two of the three. The newest pick, XXXX (subscribers), added last Monday, did surprisingly well.

As a result, list performance rose to an average of +4.2%, up from +0.2% the week before, on an average holding period of 16 days. The percentage change assumes cash trades, no margin, no options.

Market Engine Whines Without A Rudder

Cycles are mixed, and cycle screening measures are deteriorating, but there are still reasons to expect the averages to head higher. Here’s what they are, with price and time targets, as well as levels to watch for signs of a big reversal.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

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Not a subscriber? Get price and time targets, and weekly swing trade chart picks, risk free for 90 days!  

These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

When This Boring Market Finally Reaches the Center of the Earth

Every week I run technical stock screens covering all NYSE and NASD stocks trading above $6 and averaging more than 1 million shares a day. This typically results in between 15 and 50 charts to review visually. I’m looking for low risk, high reward price structures, which I’m not smart enough to program into the screening process. But it’s ok. I like to look at charts. 

My picks from the screens are churning along with the market. 3 picks dipped below their stops, with losses in two of the 3 resulting in a flat performance for the list overall.  List performance slipped to an average of +0.2%, down from +1.0% the week before, on an average holding period of 13 days. The percentage change assumes cash trades, no margin, no options.

It’s boring as hell.  All there is to do is to keep nibbling on charts that look promising. I managed to find one pick among Fridays’ screen output of 43 signals that looked good enough to add to the list this week. The idea is that when the market finally starts to move, we’ll have picks on the list that are positioned to take advantage.

The current screen from charts as of the close on June 11, had 28 buys and 15 sells.  That was the first time last week that buy signals had the edge. For the past 5 trading days, there were 95 buys versus 116 sells, a spread of -21. That compares with last Friday’s -37.  This is down from a peak of +218 on May 20.

However, there’s been no momentum breadth thrust to the downside either. So we wait for an impetus one way or the other. The market has simply drifted and churned, with most charts ambiguous, and few showing clear impetus either way. We’re looking at about 1300 stocks that meet minimum price and volume criteria, and only 43 generated signals either way. Booooring.

The Old Line Trading Firm of Dewey Cheatham Burnham and Howe

Cycles are still bullish, with the 6 month and 10-12 month cycles ideally due to top out concurrently in xxxx (subscriber version). The 6 month cycle projection is xxxx (subscriber version).

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Cycle projections for short term cycles point to xxxx-xxxx (subscriber version). The 13 week cycle is just turning up. There’s no projection for it yet. I noted last week that, “A stronger period is due in the 13 week cycle beginning in mid June that should support reaching those targets, or more.”

Churn And Burn Picks off Stops But Two New Picks Join the List

2/16/21 Every week I run technical stock screens covering all NYSE and NASD stocks trading above $6 and averaging more than 1 million shares a day. This typically results in between 15 and 50 charts to review visually. I’m looking for low risk, high reward price structures, which I’m not smart enough to program into the screening process. But it’s ok. I like to look at charts. 

Prices continued their rangebound churning last week. 2 picks dipped below their stops. Both were slightly profitable.

List performance slipped to an average of +1%, down from +2.4% the week before, on an average holding period of 14 days. The percentage change assumes cash trades, no margin, no options.

The stopouts left just 4 picks on the list. All are longs, and 3 look ok to hold, with stops adjusted based on trigger lines in the charts. Xxxx looks less favorable, so I have tightened the stop to near Friday’s low.

Dull as Hell, And Still Bull

Cycles are still bullish, with the 6 month and 10-12 month cycles apparently in trending mode. This means that there are neither price projections nor time guesstimates for those. In these circumstances we need to resort to trend following indicators.

Cycle projections are only available for short term cycles. There are no projections for cycles from 13 weeks to 10-12 months. We’re flying blind as to likely upside targets on those. Short term projections point to xxxx-xxxx (subscriber version) during June.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.


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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

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