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Coronabear Virus – Here We Go Again

The overnight market got hit with more Coronabear virus worries. It gave the dealers another opportunity to load up their long inventories. You know what happens next.

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Federal Revenue Soars, Outlays Soar More, Budget Gets Sore

Update- A few minor corrections.

Federal revenues soared in January. Spending soared more. A lot more. Despite all that stimulus, the tax data suggests that the US economy is just stumbling along.

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Gold Biden Its Time

Gold remains rangebound, but it’s building up to something big, probably after April.

Subscribers, click here to download report.

Try Lee Adler’s Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days! First time subscribers only.

Trade The Range – Here’s How

The market held at support and immediately rebounded to the top of the trading range and a bit more last week. But trend resistance lines around 3350 were not violated. A failure to penetrate that area would leave the market vulnerable to a decline back to the bottom of the range around 3215.

I have suggested a trade that would profit hugely from that scenario, if it plays out, of course.

Technical Trader subscribers, click here to download the report.

Not a subscriber? Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader risk free for 90 days! First time subscribers only.

Not QE? The Financial Times Is Either Stupid or Lying

The pause in the growth of the Fed’s balance sheet over the past 6 weeks isn’t what the pundits are telling you. Some are saying that it’s evidence that the Fed is not doing QE. They’re either gaslighting, or clueless. But we know what it is, and we know what happens now.

Subscribers, click here to download the report

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January Treasury Data – Boffo Revenues, Soaring Outlays and Deficit

Withholding tax collections are soaring. But despite that and the massive stimulus of skyrocketing government outlays and ever widening deficits, the ‘conomy is only so-so. Here’s why, what it means for liquidity and the markets. And of course, what you should do about it.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only.

Email System Back in Business

I just discovered today that Liquidity Traders email system had malfunctioned and had stopped sending notifications to you last week. All posts were available here onsite, but you may have missed one over the last few days if you have not visited the site.

The emails are now sending again and you should be notified instantly when a new post is published.

I apologize for the inconvenience! My apologies as well if you have recieved multiple emails in the past few minutes as we cleared the block. Thanks for your patience and support!


What You Should Do With “On One Hand, On the Other” – Finally The Correct Version

In addition to the problems with the email server, I made an embarrassing error in this report. The body was updated with current data, but I neglected to overwrite last week’s executive summary on the first page. The result was obviously confusing. Thanks to a couple of subscibers who pointed this out, I have updated the report to include the correct executive summary as originally written. Note that the body of the report as originally posted, including the charts, was current. 

I apologize for the error! 

There’s a lot of that infuriating, “On the one hand–On the other hand,” stuff in today’s report. On the one hand, I hate when that happens. On the other hand, it is what it is.

But the good thing is that there are clear parameters that should tell us what to expect as the week begins.

Technical Trader subscribers, click here to download the report.

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Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader risk free for 90 days! 90 day money back guarantee applies from the intial signup date. This offer is for first time subscribers only.

Gold Gets Ready

The question is, “For what?” Here’s the answer, not in so many words.

Subscribers, click here to download report.

Try Lee Adler’s Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days! 90 day money back guarantee period from the intial signup date. First time subscribers only.

What You Should Do With “On One Hand, On the Other”

There’s a lot of that infuriating, “On the one hand–On the other hand,” stuff in today’s report. On the one hand, I hate when that happens. On the other hand, it is what it is.

But the good thing is that there are clear parameters that should tell us what to expect as the week begins.

Technical Trader subscribers, click here to download the report.

90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now!

Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader risk free for 90 days! 90 day money back guarantee applies from the intial signup date. This offer is for first time subscribers only.