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Charts Show Increased Speculative Leverage Driving Rallies in Stocks and Bonds

Meanwhile, instead of liquidating other assets to raise the cash to buy new Treasury supply, dealers and other buyers have used up cash and added to their leverage. The rally has been pushed by a massive increase in leveraged speculation. This leaves the markets increasingly vulnerable. Here’s what to look for and how to trade it.

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We’re Keeping A Toe in The Water With Precious Metals Stocks – Link Corrected

Gold’s overall technical picture still gives reason for caution, but we’re dipping a toe in the water on a couple of mining picks.

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Try Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader, including the Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days!  Prelaunch special. Subscribe before March 15 for 20% off posted prices. Your order will be adjusted upon completion. Renewals will be at the discounted rate. Start saving and following the money

Signs of a Top in Market Charts Show That Bear May Have Just Been Hibernating, Not Dead

Cycles up to 13 weeks have entered down phases on schedule, while the 6 month and 10-12 month cycles remain in up phases. Here’s how to play it.

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Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!  Grand Opening Special. Subscribe before March 19 for 20% off posted prices.

Here’s Why Bonds Rallying Despite Burgeoning Supply is Bad News

The BLS reported a very weak jobs number this morning. Treasuries are rallying again. How the BLS got that number in the face of surge in withholding tax collections in February is a mystery, but the likely outcome isn’t. Here’s why it’s bad news for both bonds and stocks, along with  a recommendation what to do about it.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Subscribe before March 15 and get 20% off the published price, including all renewals. Subscribe at the published price and your cost will be reduced by 20% upon completion of the order.

Withholding Tax Chart Belies Fed Fears, and Sends A Clear Warning To Bulls

Federal withholding tax collections went through the roof and excise taxes had solid gains in February. Here’s what this means for the economic data ahead, for the markets, and for your portfolio strategy.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Subscribe before March 15 and get 20% off the published price, including all renewals. Subscribe at the published price and your cost will be reduced by 20% upon completion of the order.

With Gold Rally Arrested, Here’s What’s Next

The gold rally has been stopped in its tracks, leaving critical implications for its longer term outlook. Here’s what they are along with recommendations about what to do about the mining stocks.

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Try Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader, including the Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days!  Prelaunch special. Subscribe now for 10% off posted prices. Your order will be adjusted upon completion. Renewals will be at the discounted rate. Start saving and following the money right now! 

Charts Show Big Move Coming As Stock Market Reaches Historic Inflection Point

The market has reached its most important inflection point since the September 2018 high. But is it a top, or a launchpad for a big move up. This report gives the answer and a recommended market directional trade option trade to take advantage of the next big move.

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Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Subscribe today and save! Subscription prices will increase when the Liquidity Trader website is formally launched within the next couple of weeks.

US Investors Should Prepare Now for the ECB’s Monster

The ECB created a monster, and now that monster is chasing it. This report paints the gruesome picture, spells out the implications for you as a US investor, and tells you what to do about it.

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These Charts Show You Whether Fed’s Reversal Has Pre-Empted a Crash

The Fed announced at its January meeting that “they panicking” (apologies to Trading Places) and that neither rate increases nor the shrinkage of the balance sheet are on autopilot any longer. The Fed says it will adjust both as the economy and “financial conditions,” aka the stock market, dictate.

So far, neither has given them an excuse to loosen, although the economic priesthood and the Wall Street captured media have repeatedly characterized the economy as “softening.”  Softening is not the same as shrinking. That’s what the Fed is looking for. Although mostly it’s worried about a stock market decline. No sign of that lately either.

The question before us now is whether the Fed’s change in approach will pre-empt the crash I’ve been expecting. Here’s the answer, and I show you exactly why that is.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Gold Bus Heads For Rest Stop

Gold broke out and then pulled back. There’s a number that it must hold to keep the trend bullish.

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Try Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader, including the Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days!  Prelaunch special. Subscribe now for 10% off posted prices. Your order will be adjusted upon completion. Renewals will be at the discounted rate. Start saving and following the money right now!