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If The Bear’s Glove Don’t Fit, You Must Acquit

The bear is near death. Here’s what to look for to determine whether he lives or dies, and whether you should be buying calls or puts for your next trade.

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Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Subscribe today and save! Subscription prices will increase when the Liquidity Trader website is formally launched within the next couple of weeks.

This Chart Shows Why Dealer Positions Are a Catastrophe in the Making

The Primary Dealers are in trouble, demonstrably worse trouble than they were in just before the September 2008 stock market crash.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Why not a completely free trial? Because I want subscribers be as committed to reading and getting full value from these reports as I am to providing you with that value, bringing you the best possible information, charts, and analysis that you can’t get anywhere else. Once you have read these reports for just a few weeks, you’ll see how they can help you to become a more successful investor and trader.

If you don’t  agree, just cancel the subscription at any time within the first 3 months and request a refund. You’ll get it pronto, along with my thanks for trying the service. I’m confident that you’ll be glad that you did, and that you’ll remain a subscriber and keep finding these reports useful for years to come!

After Hitting Projections, Here’s Where To Buy GDX

Short term cycles have entered down phases on gold and the precious metals stocks. GDX looks promising but only under a certain condition delineated in this report.

Click here to download report.

Try Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader, including the Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days! Subscribe today from the linked Wall Street Examiner form and save! Subscription prices will increase when the Liquidity Trader website is formally launched within the next couple of weeks.

Despite Higher Projections, Tread Gingerly As Rally Ages

Cycle projections point higher but the rally is aging.

Click here to download the complete report

Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Subscribe today and save! Subscription prices will increase when the Liquidity Trader website is formally launched within the next couple of weeks.

Show Me The Money, The Big Money, Before You Talk Bull

Just because the Fed uttered a few comforting words to the market doesn’t mean that we are out of the woods. Talk is cheap. Money talks. Fed BS walks. Show me the money, the big money, then we’ll talk about a potentially bullish scenario. Because as of now, it’s not there.

This report will show you exactly why both stocks and bonds are riding for a fall, and will give you a good idea of exactly what to do about it.

January Tax Collections Make You Wonder Why Fed Panicked

The Federal tax collection data for January makes you wonder.

Why did the Fed panic?

True, withholding tax collections collapsed, thanks to the government shutdown. And that revenue collapse, while temporary, has ramifications in terms of causing an unusually large bulge in new supply this month that will be problematic for the stock and bond markets. If it isn’t, then we’ve moved into an alternate universe driven by fantasy, and leverage, that will come to a crashing halt one day soon.

But there’s another side to the tax data coin, and it tells a completely different story. This report covers the gory details in Technicolor charts and colorful language too!

Click here to download the report. (Liquidity Trader, legacy Federal Revenues Pro Trader subscribers)

Try Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Subscribe today from the linked Wall Street Examiner form and save! Subscription prices will increase when the Liquidity Trader website is formally launched within the next couple of weeks.

Gold Needs A Breather – Link Corrected

All cycle projections have been hit but the metal looks well positioned to move higher after a consolidation.

Click here to download report.

Try the Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days. Click here for more information or join now!

Here’s What To Look For as Cycle Projections Still Point Higher

Several intermediate cycle projections point higher. They could hold implications for the longer term outlook depending on what happens this week. Here’s what to look for and how to trade it.

Click here to download the complete report

Try the Technical Trader Report risk free for 90 days. Click here for more information or join now!

Fed Chairman Chamberlain Appeases Wall Street To Gain Peace in Our Time

You’re probably dying to know what I think about the FOMC statement and Chairman Pow’s press conference today. OK, maybe not, but this report will tell you, why you should not be misled by what went down today. Just as with Neville Chamberlain, this apparent abject surrender to Trump and Wall Street’s threats does not mean “peace in our time.”

Click here to download the report (Subscibers Only)

Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader (formerly the Wall Street Examiner Pro Trader) risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Why not a completely free trial? Because I want subscribers be as committed to reading and getting full value from these reports as I am to providing you with that value, bringing you the best possible information, charts, and analysis that you can’t get anywhere else. Once you have read these reports for just a few weeks, you’ll begin to understand how they can help you to become a more successful investor and trader.

If you don’t, just cancel the subscription at any time within the first 3 months and request a refund. You’ll get it pronto, along with my thanks for trying the service. I’m confident that you’ll be glad that you did, and that you’ll remain a subscriber and keep finding these reports useful for years to come!

Whither Thou Goldest

Gold looks poised for a big move. Here’s what’s likely to hold it back and why we should wait for a lower risk re-entry to our mining picks.

Subscribe to see this chart and all others full size. 90 days risk free.

Click here to download complete report in pdf format (Pro Trader Precious Metals Report Subscribers).

Click here to download the report (Subscibers Only)

Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader (formerly the Wall Street Examiner Pro Trader), including these reports on gold and mining stocks risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Why not a completely free trial? Because I want subscribers be as committed to reading and getting full value from these reports as I am to providing you with that value, bringing you the best possible information, charts, and analysis that you can’t get anywhere else. Once you have read these reports for just a few weeks, you’ll begin to understand how they can help you to become a more successful investor and trader.

If you don’t, just cancel the subscription at any time within the first 3 months and request a refund. You’ll get it pronto, along with my thanks for trying the service. I’m confident that you’ll be glad that you did, and that you’ll remain a subscriber and keep finding these reports useful for years to come!