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Category: US Treasury Market and Tax Revenue Trends

Analysis of new Treasury supply and major demand market segments to estimate market liquidity impacts for bonds and stocks.  

Federal Budget Deficit Hit A Trillion A Month in April

The Federal deficit hit $1 trillion in April. That’s a cool 1,500% increase year to year. That’s for one month.

This is based on the April 30 Daily Treasury Statement month to date totals. It is an estimate based on my simple subtraction of outlays from revenues. It is not official, and the official number may differ when the Monthly Treasury Statement is released on May 13.

Still, a trillion, is a trillion. And the final, official number should be in this ballpark. This is an increase of $941 billion from the April 2019 deficit. Keep in mind that back in the “good old days, before the 2017 tax cut and spending increase, April typically saw a surplus. So even before the pandemic, these numbers were bad.

Obviously, this blowout is due to the Pandemic Pandemonium Panic Relief Programs spending. But it’s also partly due to the plunge in revenue, and embedded increases in regular budgetary spending.

Here are the current horrible numbers, along with the immediate outlook, and what it means for stocks and bonds.

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Expecting The Worst and Getting It

We expected the worst, and we’ve gotten it. But that does not mean that things will get better. The revenue trends had been strong. Now they’re awful, and spending is unimaginable. How can this be sustained? In this report, I’ll show you the data, and discuss how to handle what’s to come.

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Fed Monetizes While the US Burns

Federal tax collections are collapsing but the US Treasury now has $827 billion in cash in its bank account at the Fed. This is double the previous highest level ever. This money has all come via debt sales over the past week.

The Fed funded every single dollar of that expansion through its purchases of the Treasury debt. The Fed used Primary Dealers as middle men. The dealers collected a nice skim and the Fed monetized the debt, while being able to claim that it didn’t. But this is money that did not exist two weeks ago. Now it does.

This has frightening implications. Here’s why, and what you should do about it.

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Already Soaring Federal Outlays are About to Explode and Boy Is That A Problem

Even before COVID-19 the trend was clear that the Treasury would need to keep borrowing money hand over fist. Now the deficit will explode. This is a hideous problem for financial markets in this condition.

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Real Time Federal Withholding Data Signals Shows US Econ On the Brink

Suddenly the trend of Federal Withholding tax collections is in critical condition.

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Rate Crash of the Century

The patterns on the charts of T-bills and the 10 year note are unprecedented. Something terrible has happened in the market. The Fed will have to cut on Monday. Tuesday at the latest.

It has implications for stocks, too. Here’s what to expect next.

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Bonds Could Be A Buy In March

The February supply increase caused the bond rally to stop in its tracks. But that will change in March.

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Federal Revenue Soars, Outlays Soar More, Budget Gets Sore

Update- A few minor corrections.

Federal revenues soared in January. Spending soared more. A lot more. Despite all that stimulus, the tax data suggests that the US economy is just stumbling along.

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January Treasury Data – Boffo Revenues, Soaring Outlays and Deficit

Withholding tax collections are soaring. But despite that and the massive stimulus of skyrocketing government outlays and ever widening deficits, the ‘conomy is only so-so. Here’s why, what it means for liquidity and the markets. And of course, what you should do about it.

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The Big Treasury Margin Call is Called Off

With the light supply and the Fed money putting the wind at their backs, Primary Dealers got a gift on top of that. Coronavirus. The panic that induced has driven money out of stocks and into bonds. Just what they needed.

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