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Category: US Treasury Market and Tax Revenue Trends

Analysis of new Treasury supply and major demand market segments to estimate market liquidity impacts for bonds and stocks.  

When the Dealers Will Say WTF and Just Keep Selling

Dealers cut back their fixed income inventories ever so slightly over the past month. They also increased their hedges, but again, slightly. They are still near historical record net long positions, and still carry historic levels of leverage.

With a bulge in Treasury supply on the way, is this where the bond market might trigger them throwing up their hands and saying WTF, despite the Fed?

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Also, I have republished Thursday’s Treasury market update due to a faulty posting with  links to an earlier report. Those errors have have now been corrected. I apologize for the delay!

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Market Conditions Were As Good As It Gets

Supply and demand conditions for stocks and bonds have been as good as it gets over the past month. We can thank the Fed’s Not QE program, and light Treasury supply for that.

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Monthly Treasury Data Confirms Slower Growth- Bullish!

Federal revenues softened in December. That could be just a blip, or it could be the first signs of a looming recession. It’s bullish if it is, and bullish if it isn’t. Here’s why everything is bullish.

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Federal Revenues Grew Slower, Spending Faster in December

Federal tax collections were a bit softer in December than in recent months, but overall were in the same growth path as throughout the past year. That signals that the US economy isn’t doing much differently than the pace it has been for the past several years. Here’s why that’s still bad news, and what you should do about it.

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Ten Year Yield At Critical Juncture Could Signal Big Trouble, or Not

Circumstantial evidence suggests that the Primary Dealers are in big trouble. The 10 year yield holds the key. Here’s what to look for.

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Here’s Why You Should be Very Worried That Treasury Market Stunk in December

The conditions were optimal for a big rally in Treasuries, but it didn’t happen, and that’s bad news.

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Boffo Federal Revenues in December, But Deficit Was Insanely Huge

Federal tax collections were robust in November, signaling that the US economy is perking along. But Trump runs the Federal Goverment the way he ran his casinos into the ground.

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November Federal Revenues Grew, Shrinking The Deficit – Here’s What It Means

Federal tax collections were robust in November, signaling that the US economy is perking along. That has implications for the Treasury supply outlook, and consequently for investment strategy. It may not be what you think.

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They Say It’s Only The Plumbing – That’s A Laugh

The Wall Street captured media likes to tell us that there’s just a small plumbing problem in the money market.

But the fact is that it’s not a “little plumbing problem.”  It’s much bigger. The Fed knew it. You don’t pump $337 billlion in cash into the market in 2 months for nothing.

Here’s the big picture, and what comes next, like forever maybe.

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The Fed and the Bulls Are Winning – QE New is Working

Treasury supply is gargantuan. But size doesn’t matter because the Fed can take it.  And is taking it. Almost all of it.

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