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Category: 1 – Liquidity Trader- Money Trends

How Fed and Treasury policy, Primary Dealers, real time Federal tax collections, foreign central banks, US banking system, and other factors that affect market liquidity, interact to drive the financial markets. Focus on trend direction of US bonds and stocks. Resulting market strategy and tactical ideas. 4-5 in depth reports each month. Click here to subscribe. 90 day risk free trial!

Fed Balance Sheet Says The Fat Lady Has Sung

Normalization is dead. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is all she wrote. A little bit of Fed POMO  won’t be enough to save the bond market, or stocks for that matter.

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Treasury Game Over… Again

The trend is your friend, and the Fed has gone soft. And traders know it. But there may be trouble in Primary Dealer Bond Land.

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Subscribe by 11:00 PM ET Thursday,  September 12, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

Permanently High Plateau Bond Market Miracle

The Treasury has been pounding the market with supply since the debt ceiling was lifted in early August. Yet stock and bond markets have both rallied.

It’s a miracle! A leveraged levitation act!

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Get this report and access to past reports.  Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 5:00 PM ET Monday,  September 9, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

Who’s Paying to Suppress Jobs Number as Withholding Tax Collections Soar?

Withholding taxes soared for most of August, far in excess of indicated jobs growth. But the Treasury hasn’t even started to rebuild its cash account. Here’s what that means.

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First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Right Now

Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Order before 4:00 PM Eastern Time on Friday, September 6 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

First They Fall Asleep

The Treasury and the Fed are colluding to boil the bond investor frogs on a sunny sidewalk.

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Get this report and access to past reports.  Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 9:00 AM ET Saturday, August 31, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

Stock Market Still Historically Overbought Vs. Macro Liquidity

In July we saw that the market was at a record overbought extreme versus liquidity.  I warned then that the bullishness we saw earlier this summer would be short lived. The market has corrected a bit. This report shows why that warning remains as applicable as ever.

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Get this report and access to past reports.  Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 9:00 AM ET Thursday, August 29, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

Still No Sign of Recession in Current Federal Tax Data

Our purpose here is to examine Federal revenues and spending for any sign that the Fed would have any justification for a policy move. And again, there is none. A $119 billion deficit in July bought a lot of consumption, and a lot of economic output.

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Get this report now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Today

Order before 5 PM ET on Monday, August 19 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

Danger! Speculative Debt Financing Has Driven The Rally

The uptrend is particularly hot in loans to non bank financial institutions. That is composed largely of margin and repo loans. It’s clear that this borrowing has been a prime driver of the rallies in stocks and bonds. Live by leverage, die by leverage.

The data shows that the end is nigh.

Click here to download the report (Subscribers Only)

Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 8 PM ET Thursday, August 15, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

Fed Balance Sheet Bloodletting Ends Early But Now Treasury Will Suck

The Fed has ended its balance sheet bloodletting. QT is kaput. No more “normalization.”  Now abnormal is the norm. But while the Fed will no longer suck, the US Treasury will. It’s no coincidence.

Click here to download the report (Subscribers Only)

Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 5 PM Pacific Time Tuesday, August 13 and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

Game Over, But Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

The game is over.  The massive liquidity inflows from the US Treasury into dealer accounts that has fueled the stock and bond rallies since March will now turn into outflows. And the wave of speculative borrowing that has also fueled the rally looks spent. Either one of those factors alone would end the rallies. If speculators and dealers decide to reduce their leverage exposure, the results will be catastrophic.

But think of the fun you’ll have when you have all that cash to scoop up the bargains that ultimately will come.

These are the facts that led to this conclusion, and the best strategy to capitalize on it.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Today

Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Order before 9:00 PM Pacific Time on Monday, August 5 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only.

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