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Here’s Why You Should be Very Worried That Treasury Market Stunk in December

The conditions were optimal for a big rally in Treasuries, but it didn’t happen, and that’s bad news.

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Here’s Why The Fed is Trapped

The Fed can never leave QE. Here’s why, and what it means for you.

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Here’s The Tell Whether Gold Topping or Consolidating

The parameters are the same.

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The Fact That Everyone Is Bullish

It should scare us, but the data is what it is. Here’s what it is. Read it and weep.

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Boffo Federal Revenues in December, But Deficit Was Insanely Huge

Federal tax collections were robust in November, signaling that the US economy is perking along. But Trump runs the Federal Goverment the way he ran his casinos into the ground.

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The Question is WHY Aren’t Stocks and Bonds Doing even BETTER!

That’s the question of the hour as the Fed pumps money into the financial markets at a record pace. Here’s what’s important about that.

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Precious Metals Do or Die

Gold and the mining stocks are at a critical juncture.

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Technicals Be Damned, Don’t Fight the Fed

Last week’s early selloff looks like just another BTFD shakeout so far.

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Straight Faced Powell Says Don’t Call It QE, But We Do

In 2½ months the Fed replaced what it took 8 months to drain off between January and August 2019. But Lying Jerry says, “It’s not QE!”

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November Federal Revenues Grew, Shrinking The Deficit – Here’s What It Means

Federal tax collections were robust in November, signaling that the US economy is perking along. That has implications for the Treasury supply outlook, and consequently for investment strategy. It may not be what you think.

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