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US Treasury Says, More Beans, Mr. Taggart!

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The Fed poured $132 billion of QE into the accounts of Primary Dealers between October 14 and 21, the regular monthly MBS settlement week. As a result, we got the usual predictable result of a rally in stocks.

But there was only a weak, late holding action in Treasuries. They sold off for most of the week. That’s understandable, considering that the US Treasury sucked $218 billion out of the market that week after the debt ceiling was lifted.

It will pull another $196 billion out this week. At this rate, they’ll hit the new debt limit by xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx (subscriber version). Then the extraordinary measures game and the political/fiscal brinksmanship will begin anew.

At the same time, the Fed will begin cutting its outright QE purchases, and MBS replacement purchases will also decline because of higher rates and few mortgage refis, and thus prepayments. That would normally be very bearish, but remember! They have a slush fund! The Fed’s RRP account, which currently still holds about $1.4 trillion in cash ready to absorb the flood of new T-bills.

In the context of all this new supply pounding the financial market, the stock market rally was pretty remarkable. Stocks rose despite the fact that there was more Treasury supply than there was QE. True, there’s still plenty of cash sitting in the Fed’s RRP slush fund. As I’ve pointed out, this will cushion and help to absorb the supply hit coming from the US Treasury.

Think of the RRP slush fund as a big pot of beans simmering on the money manager cowboy camp fire. Fed QE adds more beans to the pot. The US Treasury keeps eating mass quantities of the beans. It constantly refills its plate, consumes the beans, and passes the gas into the US economy. It can continue to consume those beans until they’re gone, as in when the RRP fund is exhausted. That will happen in some months, especially as the Fed gradually stops adding beans to the pot (tapering QE).

Or maybe not that long. Maybe some of those money managers tending the pot will at some point will be like Mr. Taggert. In response to the Treasury asking for still more beans, they’ll say “I think you’ve had enough!”

That’s when both the stock and bond markets will get really interesting for bears. Of course in my view, the bond market is already plenty “interesting,” and has been for some time.

Media reports have pointed out that professional money managers are overwhelmingly bearish on bonds, as if that’s some kind of contrarian bullish omen. I hate to be a party pooper, but market consensus is often right for long periods, especially when the facts support it. In this case, the facts support the consensus. So I’m xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx (subscriber version). Treasuries. I wouldn’t want to hold long term debt in this environment.

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More Sells Than Buys in Screen, But I Added Two Buys This Week

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This Friday’s screens had 15 buys and 40 sells. That compares with 24 buys and 25 sells the Friday before.

1232 stocks met the initial screening criteria in the current screen. 4.4% of them rendered signals on Friday. The rest were already moving in the direction of the most recent signal. Despite the preponderance of sell signals, there’s no evidence of broad downside thrust. This is just a narrow pullback.

Picks are summarized in the table below. 1 was closed and 7 were still open, with an average gain of 1.7% on an average holding period of 16 calendar days.

I’m again mostly foregoing stops, with one exception. My thought is that if one takes a hit, I’d look to exit subsequently. There are enough selections that risk is spread sufficiently so that I can give room for the ones that are going to run the right way, room to do so. That should offset losses on the ones that don’t go as expected.

After reviewing the charts, I chose 2 to add to the list this week. Both are buys. They’re shown on the table. All charts of the new picks and open picks are below.

Table (subscriber version only)

Charts (subscriber version only)



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The strategy and tactics opinions expressed in this report illustrate one particular approach to trading. No representation is made that it is the best approach, or even suitable for any particular investor.

These picks are illustrative and theoretical. Nothing in this report is meant as individual investment advice and you should not construe it as such. Trade at your own risk. 

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Stocks Look Ready for Another Liftoff

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Is the stock market getting ready to blast off again? There are hints on the charts that say the answer to that question looks like yes.

Cycles 6 month cycle indicators are now confirming a new up phase in that cycle. It’s ideally due to last anywhere from xx to xx weeks (subscriber version only). There’s no projection yet. A new 13 week cycle projection points to xxxx, due by xxxxxx xx.

On the third rail chart the SPX needs to clear 4576 to break a flat intermediate channel. The top of the short term channel rises from xxxx to xxxx (subscriber version only). Above that are multiple intermediate and long term trendlines between xxxx and xxxx. If the SPX breaks through those, we could see a massive, upside explosion. Conversely, a rollover below xxxx would only lead initially to a pullback to xxxx.

On the weekly chart, updated long term cycle projections as of October 10, 2021 show targets ranging from xxxx to xxxx for cycles of up to 7 years.  The SPX is above the 18 month cycle channel extension, suggesting that the long term trend is accelerating toward a possible target of xxxx at the end of xxxxxxxx (subscriber version only).

Long term momentum indicators suggest higher for longer. They normally form negative divergences long before price peaks.

On the monthly chart, the uptrend channel remains intact. SPX would need to end October below xxxx to break the uptrend channel. If the uptrend stays intact, the market could head for a very long term resistance trend at xxxx (subscriber version only).

The monthly long term cycle momentum indicator remains bullish.

Cycle screening measures remain bullish.

Swing trade chart picks will be posted Monday morning.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

Gold Lines Up Potential Bottom

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Gold shows signs of bottoming, but there’s a key parameter that must be met. Short term cycle projections point to xxxx-xxxx. (subscriber version).

Meanwhile our mining stock swing trade pick list posted a solid performance last week, and shows good potential for more gains. But we need to allow for pullbacks as they build bases. See table and charts (subscriber version).

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Patience Pays Off With Swing Trade Chart Picks This Week

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This Friday’s screens had 24 buys and 25 sells. That compares with the previous Friday’s 25 buy signals and 17 sell signals. Friday’s strength in the market averages was neither broad, nor monolithic.

1273 stocks met the initial screening criteria in the current screen. 3.8% of them rendered signals on Friday. The rest were already moving in the direction of the most recent signal.

Current picks are summarized in the table below. 5 were still open, with an average gain of 1.3% on an average holding period of 17 calendar days. I’m closing out one loser, using the opening price Monday for tracking purposes.

I’m again mostly foregoing stops. My thought is that if one takes a hit, I’d look to exit subsequently. There are enough selections that risk is spread sufficiently so that I can give room for the ones that are going to run the right way, room to do so. That should offset losses on the ones that don’t go as expected.

After reviewing the charts, I chose 3 to add to the list this week. Surprisingly, only one was a buy. The other two were shorts. They’re shown on the table below (subscriber version only). All charts of the new picks and open picks are below. (subscriber version only)



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The strategy and tactics opinions expressed in this report illustrate one particular approach to trading. No representation is made that it is the best approach, or even suitable for any particular investor.

These picks are illustrative and theoretical. Nothing in this report is meant as individual investment advice and you should not construe it as such. Trade at your own risk. 

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Bullish Intermediate Term Omens

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Cycles The market confirmed the prior indications of xxxxxxx (subscriber version only) in cycles up to 13 weeks, as well as a probable 6 month cycle xxxx.

Initial short term cycle projections point to xxxx (subscriber version only), which would be a xxxx xxxx xxxx. There are no projections yet for cycles of 13 weeks to 6 months, and no indication yet of a 10-12 month cycle upturn. That will be signaled by what happens when the previous high of 4550 is tested.

On the third rail chart there now appears to be a flat intermediate channel. Support is at least week’s low of 4279. Resistance is indicated at the September high of 4546. A measured move indication coming out of this upside reversal points to xxxx-xxxx (subscriber version only).

On the weekly chart, updated long term cycle projections as of October 10, 2021 show targets ranging from xxxx to xxxx for cycles of up to 7 years (subscriber version only).

Long term momentum indicators suggest xxxxxxxx for xxxxx (subscriber version only). They normally form negative divergences long before price peaks.

On the monthly chart, the uptrend channel remains intact. SPX would need to end October below 4275 to break the uptrend channel. If the uptrend stays intact, the market could head for a very long term resistance trend at xxxx (subscriber version only).

The monthly long term cycle momentum indicator remains bullish.

Cycle screening measures have confirmed the uptrend and given an intermediate term xxxxx (subscriber version only) xxxx by xxxxxxx an 11 month trend of declining peaks.

Swing trade chart picks will be posted Monday morning.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance. 

Our Outlook On the Money

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Visibility into the near future has been pretty good lately, so I’ll start with a review of what we expected, where we are now, and any changes likely ahead.

9/29/21 Secretary Yellen Says that the Treasury will run out of cash on October 18. Sounds about right.   

When the Treasury runs out of cash, Congress will be forced to raise the debt ceiling. When it does, look for a big increase in Treasury issuance.

They didn’t quite get to the zero Treasury balance. The widespread predictions of disaster by the “experts” proved too much for the politicians to bear, for them to allow a test of  zero Treasury cash.

But they only kicked the can to December by raising the debt limit by $480 billion. That’s only supposed to last until December 3, according to news reports. So we’re not finished here. We’re going to go through this exercise again in about 7 weeks.

Meanwhile, we are getting a preview of the expected increase in Treasury issuance. $110 billion in new T-bills will be issued next week. Then $109 billion in new coupon paper is tentatively scheduled for the end of the month.

I’m still expecting the Fed’s RRP slush fund to cushion the blow of that new supply. It is the ready cash that should fund the absorption of the new paper. But we really don’t know what the big money managers will do. This is Brave New World stuff. What if the money market funds decide they like the Fed’s paper just as much as the US Treasury’s? If even a few of them sit tight with RRPs instead of buying the newly issued T-bills, we could start to see xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx (subscribers’ version). I’d expect that to show up first in xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx  on T-bill rates.

Again, we won’t know until we see the first new T-bill settlement on Monday, and see how much comes out of the Fed’s RRP fund.

9/29/19 Given the current political climate, a government shutdown is a given. A delay in lifting the debt limit, and a technical default by the US government is a definite maybe. It would almost certainly be disruptive to the markets in the short run, but in the longer run, the default will be cured, and the effect will fade into the background.

This did not happen. Yet. All they did was reset the clock. They have time to avoid a crisis, but will they? No doubt the news will be misleading until the deal is done. Forget about what they say. It could cause us to anticipate and act on a scenario that won’t come to pass. Watch what they do when the rubber hits the road. We’ll have time to react if we’re paying attention.

9/29/21 The Fed’s RRP slush fund is now nearly $1.5 trillion. That will fund the new supply tsunami for a few months. Everything could look ok during that time. The Fed will be praised for its brilliance, and the markets will have an uneasy peace, if not a resumption of bullish trends.

However, as that fund begins to run out, the cracks will appear. And once that fund is drawn down to zero, the ingredients for a massive dislocation in the markets will be in place. The bitter fruit of QE, and tapering QE, will be tasted.

The timing of that is uncertain. It depends largely on how fast the Treasury wants to replenish the funds it drew down or raided to avoid the debt ceiling.  

All of the above remains true, as they’ve only pushed back the Drop Dead Date.

This month, Fed QE has been covering, and will continue to cover 104-107% of new Treasury issuance, until the debt ceiling is lifted.

That should have been a short term bullish factor for bonds and stocks, as it pumps cash into the dealer and other institutional accounts that had been the holders of the T-bills being redeemed. But it hasn’t gotten traction. Smart money is getting out ahead of what they know is coming. The China Evergrand situation plays a role in generating margin calls that trigger liquidation pressures in other assets held by holders of Evergrand paper. That includes especially, highly liquid US assets.

Another factor pressuring prices is record corporate debt and equity issuance.

That’s partly on the money. There’s still an excess of QE over new supply. That will go back to a normal or below normal coverage ratio in the weeks ahead. We should start to see xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (subscribers’ version) for stock and bond prices when that happens, especially with the increase in Treasury supply, and double especially if the Fed actually, really, no kidding, begins to taper QE in December.

There’s a lot more in this report on what to expect, including charts showing how we got here, and why we’re going where we’re going. I also post my idea on what would be a good way to deal with it successfully (subscribers’ version).

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Gold Stuck in the Middle While Miners Look Promising

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Gold has been in suspended animation for the past two weeks. Cycle indications are conflicting and motionless. The signal for the next move, even a small one, would be a breakout from the current range of xxxx-xxxx (subscriber version).

Meanwhile our mining stock swing trade pick list perked up last week, and shows good potential for more gains. But we need to allow for pullbacks as they build bases. See table and charts (subscriber version).

Subscribers, click here to download the report. 

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Deadly Ambiguity With Big Profit Potential

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Rangebound markets tend to generate a lot of whipsaw signals that are just noise. I call rangebound markets “meat grinders” for a reason. They tend to crush systems designed to find 3-6 week swings. I try to avoid the worst of that, while allowing picks room to move around before breaking out in the expected direction.

What makes rangebound markets interesting is that when the market finally does break out, one way or the other, a big move tends to follow. Furthermore, the initial move out of the range tends to be explosive. To take advantage of that, it’s necessary to take positions in advance in charts that appear to have potential to do that, even though many won’t. The idea is that one or two big movers will more than compensate for the ones that bleed.

1357 stocks met the initial screening criteria in the current screen. 3.1% of them rendered signals on Friday. The rest were already moving in the direction of the most recent signal. There were 25 buys and 17 sells. That compares with the previous Friday’s 56 buy signals and 7 sell signals. This marks 2 straight weeks with more buys than sells after a string of four Fridays with a majority of sell signals.

All charts have a measure of ambiguity, especially in these rangebound environments. This week’s degree of ambiguity seemed even greater than usual. As I reviewed the 52 charts with signals, I saw a lot of “on the one hand – on the other hand.” I ended up choosing none of them. I’ll stand pat with what we currently have on the list.

Current picks are summarized in the table below (subscriber version only). I’m foregoing stops this week to give room for something to happen one way or another. My thought is that if one takes a hit, I’d look to exit on the recoil. But I want to give room for the ones that are going to run the right way, room to do so.

Table (subscriber version only)

The strategy and tactics opinions expressed in this report illustrate one particular approach to trading. No representation is made that it is the best approach, or even suitable for any particular investor.

These picks are illustrative and theoretical. Nothing in this report is meant as individual investment advice and you should not construe it as such. Trade at your own risk. 

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Head and Shoulders Above

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Cycles up to 13 weeks appear to have turned up. The 6 month cycle also should be turning but indicators are less clear. With cycles of up to 13 weeks turning up, there’s room to move to xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (subscriber version only). If the 6 month cycle is also turning as seems likely, then the market should break out xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, with a target of xxxx (subscriber version only). The likely time frame would be Q1 2022. However, a stall and rollover at either xxxx or xxxx could lead to a downside resolution. Given the longer term structures, I’m leaning toward xxxx xxxxx xxxx , but have antenna up for any sign of change.

On the third rail chart the market has set up a beautiful head and shoulders top pattern, which may now be forming a second right shoulder. Or it could break the pattern right here. The pattern is perfectly symmetrical in price and time. What does that mean (subscriber version only)?

On the weekly chart, updated long term cycle projections as of October 10, 2021 show targets ranging from xxxx to xxxx for cycles of up to 7 years (subscriber version only).

Long term momentum indicators suggest xxxx xxxx xxxx (subscriber version only). They normally form negative divergences long before price peaks.

On the monthly chart, the S&P 500 the uptrend channel remains intact. SPX would need to end October below xxxx to break the uptrend channel. If the uptrend stays intact, the market could head for a very long term resistance trend at xxxx (subscriber version only).

The monthly long term cycle momentum indicator remains bullish.

Technical Trader subscribers click here to download the complete report.

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These reports are not investment advice. They are for informational purposes, intended for an audience of investment and trading professionals, and other experienced investors and traders. Chart pick performance changes week to week and past performance may not indicate future results, as you know. Trading involves risk, and these reports assume that you understand those risks and manage them according to your tolerance.