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Category: 1 – Liquidity Trader- Money Trends

How Fed and Treasury policy, Primary Dealers, real time Federal tax collections, foreign central banks, US banking system, and other factors that affect market liquidity, interact to drive the financial markets. Focus on trend direction of US bonds and stocks. Resulting market strategy and tactical ideas. 4-5 in depth reports each month. Click here to subscribe. 90 day risk free trial!

Surprise Surprise, The Fed is Buying Whatever The Treasury Is Selling

The Fed is taking up all new Treasury issuance, dollar for dollar.  Must be a coincidence.



Here’s what it means and what to do about it.

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US Government Defecates – Fed May Lose Control

The US Treasury daily tax data showed weak revenue and soaring outlays in October. The deficit is soaring, but the Fed is monetizing every penny of it and then some, leaving the Primary Dealers with plenty of cash.

Here’s why this is like the Fed piloting a Boeing 737 Max 800. It is exactly the same thing.

No. I mean it.


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Bond Market Is a Ticking Bomb Despite Fed QE New

With QE New the Fed has the tools and the power to push money rates down, and it is succeeding. But it’s not succeeding in the bond market. The crisis is worsening there.  Here’s what’s going on, and what to look for.

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90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now Offer is for first time subscribers only.

QE New Balloons Fed Balance Sheet

It’s official. QE New has reversed 5 months of previous Fed balance sheet normalization. Here’s what the “new normal” means for your investments. It might not be what you think.

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90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now Offer is for first time subscribers only.

Sudden Collapse in Demand for Treasuries Forced Fed to Massively Intervene

Private demand for US Treasury securities collapsed in September, forcing the Fed to first finance purchases, and then to buy Treasuries outright. The market is broke and broken, and that has yooge implications for you as an investor or trader.

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Get this report and access to past reports.  Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 8:00 PM ET Sunday,  October 13, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

How Much QE Will Be Enough For Exploding Deficit Defecation?

The US Treasury daily tax data suggests that the US economy is at least slowing. That means already yooge deficits will grow. Treasury supply will grow with it. How much QE will be enough to keep asset prices inflated?

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Get this report and access to past reports.  Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 6:00 PM ET Wednesday,  October 9, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

Treasury Supply Recedes, But Here’s Why The New Normal Is Scary

Net new Treasury supply is receding to the “new normal,” averaging around $100 billion per month. We know we have a problem when a hundred bill is “normal.”

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Get this report and access to past reports.  Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 4:00 PM ET Friday,  October 4, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

The New Fed QE Is Here- It’s Permanent, But Is It Bullish?

The Fed’s new TOMO has already hit a quarter trillion. It may not be QE in name, but it is in fact. And make no mistake. Regardless of what they call it, it will become official and permanent. Here’s a look back on how we knew it was coming and a look ahead on what to expect from it for the markets.

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Subscribe by 6:00 PM ET Monday, September 30, and get the first month free! 

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

The US Economy No Longer Matters – It’s The Debt, Stupid!

The game has changed radically in the past two weeks, so it does not matter one iota what the economy is doing. It’s the debt, Stupid. Or the stupid debt. Or the stupid economists, central bankers, and Wall Street crowd. Actually, it’s all of the above. Here’s why, and what  to do about it.

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First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Right Now

Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Order before 5:00 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday, September 24 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

Money Rates Explode (No Surprise To Us) – Fed Must Print or Die

I have been warning for months that once the debt ceiling was lifted the money markets would tighten dramatically. It’s happening. Here’s a rundown of the banking indicators, how they led up to this, what they’re telling us now, and my recommendation on what to do about it.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now

Subscribe by 7 PM Eastern Time Monday, September 16 and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

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