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Category: 1 – Liquidity Trader- Money Trends

How Fed and Treasury policy, Primary Dealers, real time Federal tax collections, foreign central banks, US banking system, and other factors that affect market liquidity, interact to drive the financial markets. Focus on trend direction of US bonds and stocks. Resulting market strategy and tactical ideas. 4-5 in depth reports each month. Click here to subscribe. 90 day risk free trial!

Don’t Be Fooled by Things That Look Good Now

The Treasury’s numbers for June were as bad as expected. Early July numbers look good, but it’s a trick. Here’s how we know, and what that means for the markets.

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Fed Balance Sheet Shrinks, Except Only the Part That Matters

Wall Street media shills have noted that the Fed’s balance sheet has shrunken a bit in recent weeks. Let’s get this out of the way first.

It’s meaningless and temporary. Here’s why, and here’s what really matters.

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Backed By Lansky, Dealers Do Enough To Keep The Players at the Tables

The Meyer Lansky like Fed has cut back QE, but Treasury supply has also receded. So the Fed is still funding most new issuance, either by direct purchase of Treasuries, or indirect funding via purchases of MBS. That has allowed the dealers enough flexibility to keep the players at the gaming tables. Are they being set up for the kill?

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Primary Dealers Deleverage and Grow Cautious

As the Fed has cut back on QE, Primary Dealers have also cut back their inventories of Treasuries and the leverage that they use to finance them. That’s not bullish. Here are the details and a few charts along with a suggested strategy to play the dealers’ game, not the one they want you to play as they set up new traders for the kill.

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June Swoon

The Treasury’s numbers are in for June and they’re not good. First things first. The BLS jobs data is just BS.

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The Virus Is the Economy

The VIrus is the Economy

Common sense says that as case numbers increase, tax collections would fall and vice versa, REGARDLESS of whether governments imposed lockdowns. So my expectation was that as governors across the country lifted restrictions, case numbers would rise, and tax collections would fall.

Well here we are.

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As Bad As Next Week Will Be

The imbalance between Fed QE and Treasury supply is ugly as as it gets for the next week, but then it gets less ugly. Here’s what you need to know and how you need to see it to trade successfully.

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Beware of the Rub That Will Irritate Markets

We know that total liquidity is still growing. The Fed is still printing and pumping money into the system at an historic rate. That rate is well above the norms of the original QE back in 2009-10, but well below the peak panic levels of March and April. The Fed has been dialing it back from the extreme pumping it reached at the market bottom in March.

Ay, but theres’s a rub, and it’s not barbecue. It’s an irritant. And the markets won’t like it.

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These Real Time Charts Show US Economy Contracting Again in June

The data is noisy, and week to week the changes may not mean much. But in some weeks, it’s obvious that it’s part of a bigger trend, whether confirming or indicating change. Even if there are just hints, this information can be incredibly useful. It is useful because it tells us exactly what the big picture is, while Wall Street economists are still scratching their asses and trying to figure out what the government statistician manipulated data means. And the first report from that data is still 13 days away.

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Macro Liquidity Ain’t Bullish, and Will Get Worse

Primary dealers have been gradually paying down their outstanding repo loans from the Fed, just as we have long expected. This has momentous implications for the stock and bond markets.

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