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Category: Fed, Central Bank and Banking Macro Liquidity

Analysis of the major forces of macro liquidity that drive markets. Click here to subscribe. 90 day risk free trial!

This Indicator Says CRASH NOW!

The Composite Liquidity Indicator is back to where it was last February and September. Does it mean the same thing now?

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.  Choose from 3 services or try all 3! Subscribe by 11:59 PM Pacific Time Tuesday, May 7 and get the first month free (first time subscribers)! Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day, unless you cancel before that date. The first 90 days from initial signup are risk free for first time subscribers.

Bank Lending Bubble Still Red Hot

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Bank lending slowed in April, but it remains a dangerously hot bubble.

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One Month Free Trial and 90 days risk free for first time subscribers if you subscribe today! 

Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.  Choose from 3 services or try all 3! Subscribe by 11:59 PM Pacific Time Tuesday April 30 and get the first month free! Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day, unless you cancel before that date. The first 90 days from initial signup are risk free for first time subscribers.

Here’s Why Fed Rate Cut Would Be Catastrophic

Despite the noise about the Fed possibly cutting interest rates this week, the reality of the market says otherwise. If the Fed does cut, it could lead to disaster.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.  Choose from 3 services or try all 3!

As Fed Balance Sheet Shrinks, Speculative Bank Lending Soars

The Fed’s balance sheet is shrinking, but bank lending for speculative purposes has soared. That is supporting financial asset price inflation. That’s dangerous. This report shows how it works, and why you should be concerned.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.  

Macro Liquidity Indicator Charts Show Rally Not Long For This World

Macro liquidity growth has slowed to a crawl. The Fed and its cohort major central banks are a negative factor on balance. But runaway financial market speculation is driving a big surge in bank lending to finance securities purchases, and that’s providing self-sustaining liquidity. But debt driven trends eventually break badly. This report looks at the keys to showing when this trend is reversing and gives you a strategy for maximizing the current trend.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Order by March 19 and get 20% off!

US Investors Should Prepare Now for the ECB’s Monster

The ECB created a monster, and now that monster is chasing it. This report paints the gruesome picture, spells out the implications for you as a US investor, and tells you what to do about it.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

These Charts Show You Whether Fed’s Reversal Has Pre-Empted a Crash

The Fed announced at its January meeting that “they panicking” (apologies to Trading Places) and that neither rate increases nor the shrinkage of the balance sheet are on autopilot any longer. The Fed says it will adjust both as the economy and “financial conditions,” aka the stock market, dictate.

So far, neither has given them an excuse to loosen, although the economic priesthood and the Wall Street captured media have repeatedly characterized the economy as “softening.”  Softening is not the same as shrinking. That’s what the Fed is looking for. Although mostly it’s worried about a stock market decline. No sign of that lately either.

The question before us now is whether the Fed’s change in approach will pre-empt the crash I’ve been expecting. Here’s the answer, and I show you exactly why that is.

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Not a subscriber yet? Get this report right now and read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Show Me The Money, The Big Money, Before You Talk Bull

Just because the Fed uttered a few comforting words to the market doesn’t mean that we are out of the woods. Talk is cheap. Money talks. Fed BS walks. Show me the money, the big money, then we’ll talk about a potentially bullish scenario. Because as of now, it’s not there.

This report will show you exactly why both stocks and bonds are riding for a fall, and will give you a good idea of exactly what to do about it.