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Stock Market On The Cusp of Bear Slaughter

A number of indicators have turned bullish, and projections point higher. Here’s what to look for and a couple of suggested SPY option trades to take advantage.

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Who’s Paying to Suppress Jobs Number as Withholding Tax Collections Soar?

Withholding taxes soared for most of August, far in excess of indicated jobs growth. But the Treasury hasn’t even started to rebuild its cash account. Here’s what that means.

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Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Order before 4:00 PM Eastern Time on Friday, September 6 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

Gold Hits an Intermediate Term Target

One projection has been reached but another is still out there and likely to be seen later this year.

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First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now

Try Lee Adler’s Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days (first time subscribers only)!  Order before 11:00 AM ET on Tuesday, Seeptember 3 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

How To Trade A Crapshoot – Don’t

We’re on the lookout for a low risk setup. And one is on the way.

Technical Trader subscribers, click here to download the report.

First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now!

Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Order before 9:00 AM Eastern time on Tuesday, September 3 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

First They Fall Asleep

The Treasury and the Fed are colluding to boil the bond investor frogs on a sunny sidewalk.

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First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now!

Get this report and access to past reports.  Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 9:00 AM ET Saturday, August 31, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

Stock Market Still Historically Overbought Vs. Macro Liquidity

In July we saw that the market was at a record overbought extreme versus liquidity.  I warned then that the bullishness we saw earlier this summer would be short lived. The market has corrected a bit. This report shows why that warning remains as applicable as ever.

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First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now!

Get this report and access to past reports.  Read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.

Subscribe by 9:00 AM ET Thursday, August 29, and get the first month free!

Free first month, and 90 day risk free trial offer is for first time subscribers only. Quarterly billing will begin on the 31st day unless you cancel before that date.

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Correction! Says Gold

Apparently gold traders have decided that they don’t need no stinkin’ consolidation!  Short term cyclicality is mixed, but still gold has powered higher. This seems news driven, but cyclically the stars have been aligned  for a major upmove in the second half of this year. And here we are. Cycle projections for this move have risen yet again.

Subscribers, click here to download report.

First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now!

Try Lee Adler’s Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days (first time subscribers only)!  Order before Noon ET on Monday, August 26and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

Stock Market On The Verge of Bear Market Signals

Trump has gotten away with a lot, with Wall Street cheering him on, when he exercised constitutionally controversial executive powers. But when he threatened Wall Street’s pet Fed Chairman, the Street pulled the plug. This time, they weren’t cheering.

Technical Trader subscribers, click here to download the report.

First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Now!

Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Order before 6:00 PM Eastern time on Sunday, August 25 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

Gold Consolidation/Correction Due, But We Dig One Stock Anyway

A consolidation has begun in gold, and in the mining stocks, but there’s one stock I like here.

Subscribers, click here to download report.

First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Today

Try Lee Adler’s Gold and Mining Stock Trader risk free for 90 days (first time subscribers only)!  Order before 6:00 PM ET on Monday, August 19 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

Beware of Stock Market Meat Grinder

The stock market is in a trading range that’s a meat grinder for traders. Here’s what to look for to signal a directional move.

Technical Trader subscribers, click here to download the report.

First Month Free and 90 Days Risk Free If You Join Today

Try Lee Adler’s Technical Trader and Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days! Order before 5:00 PM Eastern time on Monday, August 19 and get the first month free! If you cancel within 30 days, you will not be charged. 90 day money back guarantee period also applies from the intial signup date. This offer applies to first time subscribers only.

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