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Category: 1 – Liquidity Trader- Money Trends

How Fed and Treasury policy, Primary Dealers, real time Federal tax collections, foreign central banks, US banking system, and other factors that affect market liquidity, interact to drive the financial markets. Focus on trend direction of US bonds and stocks. Resulting market strategy and tactical ideas. 4-5 in depth reports each month. Click here to subscribe. 90 day risk free trial!

Now We Reap the Whirlwind of the Fed’s Malfeasance

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There’s more evidence in the weekly data on the biggest US banks .of the sea change in psychology and financial conditions that is triggering this bear market environment

The Fed is mandated to control inflation. That means that it has no choice but to follow the conventional economic prescription for doing so. Tight money.

Tight money means death, destruction, and chaos, given how much debt and leverage now overburden the banking system in general, and the Primary Dealers in particular. As they become increasingly stressed, the effect will show up in the markets as lower prices. That will increase the stress, and so on.

The Fed will have its hands tied as long as the CPI and PCE measures remain elevated. Therefore, a resumption and continuation of the crash that has already begun in both stocks and bonds is baked in. It won’t be a straight line. There will be rallies, and they will represent profit opportunities for those willing to short them when they run out of steam.

The big surprise in this data is the evidence that both Primary Dealers and money managers are already hoarding cash. This is a reversal of their past behavior of immediately redeploying cash when speculation and bullishness ruled.

If this is the new mindset, we’re about to reap the whirlwind. Here’s what to do, along with the supporting charts, data, and analysis to help you understand what’s really going on behind and beyond Powell’s tortured dissembling.

Find out what to expect now and what to do about it in this report.

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

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FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Works – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money

Primary Dealers No Longer in Remulak-CORRECTED

Correction: In paragraph 4 I have corrected the line about the dealers’ net position to “net long.” In the original version I inadvertently wrote “net short.” That was an error. Sorry for the confusion! 

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The Fed provides us with a tremendous amount of information and data. Some of it is highly useful. Most is not, from my perspective of trying to figure out how it will influence, or even to some extent control, market direction.

One area of useful information is the data that the New York Fed publishes every week with a 9 day lag on Primary Dealer positions and financing. The dealers run the markets, after all, so it’s good to have some insight into their positioning and leverage. It can, at times, give us a heads up that trouble may be brewing. We saw that over the past year as the dealers began to reduce their massive, and massively leveraged, fixed income portfolios.

I have pointed out that that was a huge problem, because a decline in bond prices could put them under water again, just as during the pandemic panic of March 2020. The problem was so big then that the even more massive Fed bailout looked as though it wasn’t working for about 8 days. Then it did work, and the market turned. But it was a close call.

In recent months we saw the decline in the dealers bond positions, but they were still net long and still leveraged. I warned that as bond prices fell and yields rose, their profits would be pressured, and if it continued, their capital could be wiped out again.

The dealers are really just hollow shells acting as strawmen for the Fed, buying Treasuries from the US government, and MBS from Fannie and Freddie and the FHA on the Fed’s behalf. Meanwhile they play side games accumulating, marking up, and marketing all manner of other assets, particularly stocks.

But now the Fed is getting out of the buying business. No more backstopping the dealers with constant massive funding. Meanwhile, the dealers are still REQUIRED, by virtue of their status as Primary Dealers, to still buy Treasuries.

How exactly will they be able to do that without steadily being cashed out by the Fed to the tune of a hundred and some billion per month, month in and month out?

The Fed will probably tell us tomorrow that it’s going to zero purchases after March.  The dealers must keep buying. There are only two ways they can fulfill that responsibility. They’ll either have to sell stuff first. Stuff, as in other Treasuries, other fixed income instruments, OR, drum roll please…… Stocks! Or they will need to borrow more money, that is, increase their leverage even more.

We’ve seen all of those processes in action in the past two weeks. We’ve also seen them report lower than expected profits. Why? Because they’re getting their asses kicked on those massively leveraged net long positions in fixed income.

And the Fed thinks that it can just withdraw from supporting the market with its massive money printing operations to buy virtually all of the debt the US government issues? Well as I told you before, oh, you can’t do that!

This little demonstration we’ve gotten over the past two weeks is just a taste of what’s to come until the market again forces the Fed to reverse course. We don’t know where or when that will be, so for now we just rely on Rules Number One and Number Two.

  1. Don’t fight the Fed. and,
  2. The trend is your friend aka, don’t fight the tape

Bounces in both the bond and stock notwithstanding, the Fed’s policy is clear, and the trend is clear.

In the last version of this Primary Dealer update in December I wrote, “At the very least, we need to be prepared for a sharp selloff in stocks, and what should turn into a resumption of the bear market in Treasuries.” 

Nailed it.

Find out what to expect now and what we’re doing about it in this report.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

Act on real-time reality!

FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Works – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money

Publication Schedule Note

I have unfortunately gotten a few days behind schedule on publication this week. I am currently working on a Primary Dealer update which I’ll post tomorrow, at least in part. I will post the Gold Trader update on Wednesday instead of the usual Tuesday.

This week, I’m in the process of getting ready to end my extended stay in Warsaw, to finally realize my long term plan to move to Nice, France next next Monday. That has involved finding a place to stay temporarily. I intend to settle there after these two years of moving around Europe. So I’m also looking for a place to buy once I get there. All of the preparations for the move have been time consuming.

As an aside, if you ever want to come to the South of France, I know it fairly well, particularly Nice and its immediate environs. I would be happy to chat with you about it, and would love to meet if we have the opportunity. You can reach me by the contact form on the support page.

Meanwhile, I’m also in the process of selling my home in Florida. I’m personally managing that remotely. That’s also setting me back time wise.

The last time I sold a house in Florida, I top-ticked the market for my house type in my neighborhood in mid 2005. Hopefully, I’ll be as lucky this time. Last time I sold, I did so directly without an agent. Today, with Zillow, the commissioned sales agent becomes mostly unnecessary. With online selling so prevalent today, and someone available to let prospective buyers in, it’s well worth it to have buyers contact me via a website.

The downside is that getting the information out, and taking calls has interrupted my workflow, which is frustrating because I want to give you consistent, high quality service. So I do apologize for being a few days later than usual in getting these reports out to you. I’ll do my best to stay as close to the regular schedule as I can during these transition weeks.

And I’ll try to make up for what I can’t do in quantity, by increasing the quality!  😁

As always, thanks for your patience and support!


Fed Will Administer Volckera to Cure Inflation Pandemic, and We’ll All Die

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It’s that time of the month and that time of the quarter when all should be well for the markets. Except it’s not.

“That time of the month” is the Fed’s regular once a month MBS settlement week at mid month. This month it runs January 13-20, with total settlements of $90 billion. That’s still a big number, but it isn’t doing much good. And it will shrivel over the next several months as the Fed cuts new MBS purchases and replacement purchase shrivel due to rising mortgage rates. Therefore, right now is as good as it gets for the bond market, and secondarily for stocks.

It’s also the week for quarterly estimated Federal income taxes to come in from individual filers and corporations. That shrinks the monthly deficit in January. In normal times it would result in a surplus for the month. Typically the Treasury would then pay off some maturing T-bills, and the holders of those bills would be stuck with excess cash. Some of them roll that out to longer dated paper and a few even buy stocks. So it’s typically a short term bullish seasonal influence around the third week of January.

This year, not so much. The Treasury still is trying to refill its cash account and has $160 billion to go to reach its stated goal of holding $650 billion in cash. So the “January effect,” which is really just bullish seasonality resulting from the regular January T-bill paydowns, looks like a non starter this year. The performance of the stock and bond markets so far in January are a testament to that.

If the market doesn’t perk up over the next few days, then here’s what we have to look forward to.

February will be worse. xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (subscriber version). February always runs the largest cash deficit of the year as tax receipts dwindle and cash outlays mushroom due to the February tax refund bulge. The Treasury often draws from its cash account to pay for that, rather than issue new debt. But this year, the Treasury is trying to raise more cash. There’s going to be a ton of new Treasury supply in February and that will pressure not only the xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx, but should have a secondary impact on xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx. This report describes those impacts, and their timing.

My mantra is the same. I’m xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (subscriber version) bonds. I’m looking for stocks to short over the next few weeks for what should be a bearish month in February. I’ll post those in Technical Trader updates as they come up.

With the Fed cutting QE to zero, or so it says, the rest of the year could be xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx(subscriber version). The Fed is worried about inflation. Rightfully so. A little too late, but what else is new.  Might it now be willing to pull a “Volcker,” allowing rates to soar, and allowing the chips to fall where they may? If they dare try it, the market’s retribution will be xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx.

I’ll keep you updated on the developments and outlook. Get the full story in the subscriber version.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

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FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Works – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money

Breakout Under Way!

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We have some consequential new data in the past few days since I posted the QE/Treasury supply update on January 3. Treasury yields are breaking out. The RRP slush fund has reversed, and T-bill issuance is continuing at a breakneck pace. An initial jobs report shows tremendous growth, as foretold by the daily withholding tax data.

The ADP private payrolls data was released yesterday, and it accurately reflected what the withholding tax data for December already told us— that jobs growth is still going strong, or even accelerating. Whether the BLS Nonfarm Payrolls farce release on Friday shows this or not is anyone’s guess. You know the truth.

The US economy is going gangbusters, but the Fed has created and is imminently facing the greatest crisis in its history.

Here’s the latest in this ongoing financial soap opera for the ages.

Get the full story in the subscriber version.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

Act on real-time reality!

FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Works – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money

Wheels Are Moving in Slow Motion for the Top

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

The debt limit has been raised. The Treasury has flooded the market with supply, and will continue to do so for another month or two. But there’s been no disaster in the market. The Fed’s RRP slush fund, designed to absorb the flood of supply, has even grown, thanks to year end window dressing.

Even after that window is undressed this week, there will still be around $1.6 trillion in that fund to start. That is overnight liquid money that holders will use to buy new Treasury issuance. The RRPs will gradually be drawn down. But there’s enough there to absorb the ongoing supply bulge that the government needs to issue to rebuild its cash and repay the internal accounts it raided while the debt limit was in place.

We don’t know exactly how much more the government needs to get its internal accounts back to normal, but it could achieve that purpose very quickly given the availability of the RRP fund. It holds more than enough cash to fund that issuance.

That RRP fund, with it’s baseline starting point of approximately $1.6 trillion also gives the Fed cover to wind down QE to zero in March. The Fed will cut QE, and everything will look hunky dory. Wall Street will conclude that “tapering” QE was no big deal. Market complacency will be thick. Get out your carving knives.

Once the Fed has cut QE to zero, and RRP holders decide that they will spend no more to support the market, is that when the crisis begins?  No, not immediately.

First, there will be the annual tax windfall that occurs in March and April, when corporate and individual income taxes for the preceding year come in. The Treasury always uses that cash to temporarily pay down outstanding debt. The holders of that debt get money back. They use that cash to buy longer term paper, and in some cases to buy stocks. So we get a seasonal rally every year in March and April.

But in late May, the Treasury starts net borrowing again. Then we watch. We watch to see how that RRP fund is doing. Once it turns flat, and there’s no more QE, and the seasonal tax windfall cash has been spent, that’s when the trouble starts in the market.

Sell in May and go away? This report tells you why that might be a good idea. The report shows what to expect for both stocks and bonds, along with the why’s and wherefores, likely timing, to give you a clear grasp on on a strategy and tactics that might make sense for you.  Get the full story in the subscriber version.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

Act on real-time reality!

FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Works – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money

Holiday Wishes and Publication Schedule

I want to wish you and your family Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays, and Happy Festivus, the holiday for the rest of us.

I will celebrate by looking around Warsaw for an open Chinese restaurant where I can get takeout. I won’t be eating in this year (I wonder why).

Today at Malbork Castle, Malbork, Poland
Today at Malbork Castle, Malbork, Poland 12/22/21 

I want to thank you especially for allowing me the privilege of doing this work that I love, for you for the past 21 years. Whether you’ve been a subscriber for the past 21 days, but especially if you’ve been around for most or all of those years, your interest and confidence in me is a gift that I always appreciate! I hope that you enjoy and learn nearly as much from my reporting as I do from doing it.

I know that you will probably be enjoying the coming days with your families and hopefully not paying much attention to the markets. I’ll use that opportunity to take a break myself over this week. There will be no Liquidity Trader, Technical Trader, or Gold Trader posts between now and New Years weekend. Regular publication will resume in the New Year, with a bevy of reports. So be sure to stay tuned for that.

If anything strikes me as noteworthy over the coming week, I’ll throw up some quick comments on the Capitalstool message board and in my Twitter feed.

So to you and yours, Happy Holidays! See you in the New Year!


PS. I apologize for the fact that if you subscribe to more than one of the services, you have gotten this email once for each of them.  Sorry for clogging the inbox! 😁

Get Ready for a Slow Moving, but Perfect Storm

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The conditions we were looking for last month have happened.

11/21/21 Whether there’s a default or not, the debt ceiling will be lifted, probably sooner rather than later. When it is, a tsunami of Treasuries will flood the market, mostly in T-bills. But there could also be a huge slug of makeup supply at the long end. That would send bond prices into the dumpster, and T-bill rates and bond yields flying.

How much chaos would the Fed bear before issuing another huge emergency round of QE? That’s the question, ultimately. But in the interim, the event that everyone would see as a positive, raising the debt limit, could be the quintessential “sell the news” trigger leading to a broad based crash in all asset classes.

This is what we need to be on the lookout for as this saga progresses. Therefore, I still don’t want to xxxxx xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxx (subscriber version). From the liquidity perspective, I hate the intermediate term outlook for xxxx.

But I’m still comfortable following the trend on stocks, remaining long until the market tells us otherwise, especially if that happens around the lifting of the debt limit.

So that’s where we are. Will it? This report has the answer.

The debt ceiling was lifted yesterday, December 16, and stocks have been getting pounded for the last two days. This could be the moment we’ve all been waiting for, in terms of market action in stocks. I’ll address that in more detail in the Technical Trader reports.

Right now in the third week of the month we’re in peak QE week, as the Fed settles its MBS purchases this week. It’s the most bullish QE vs. supply imbalance we’re ever going to have. This is the end my friends. I can’t believe, but we’re on the Eve of Destruction.

That’s because the Treasury will now issue a massive amount of new supply in a very short period of time. It has a goal that calls for raising $600 billion to restore its cash account to the desired level. Plus it must raise additional funds – who knows how much – to repay other internal government accounts it raided to stay below the debt ceiling.

It means that there will be a lot of supply, A LOT, over the next couple of months.

What’s worse, the Fed is cutting its QE purchases at the same time. Talk about a Perfect Storm. Fed QE has funded more than 100% of the Treasury market in recent months. The norm since the Fed began QE in 2009 has been 85-90%. When it cuts QE to zero in March, it will still have a small amount of MBS replacement purchases, but that won’t even be a rounding error in terms of the amount of debt the market will need to fund.

The canny Fed and Treasury have, however, created a $1.6 trillion slush fund to help absorb those Treasuries. It’s the Fed’s RRP program, where money market funds, banks, and dealers can deposit the cash they got back from the T-bill paydowns that they got from the US Treasury since February. This report has the charts to show exactly how that worked. The correlation is perfect.

The Treasury paid off that paper systematically so that it would stay under the debt ceiling. That money is now just sitting there in overnight, same as cash, RRPs, waiting to re-absorb all the new Treasury supply that’s on the way.

Or is it? Nobody is forcing the money managers holding those RRP funds to rebuy Treasuries. They may like holding riskless Fed RRPs even more than they like holding Treasuries. So maybe not all of that $1.6 trillion will be available to absorb new supply. That’s where the problems start. When the RRP holders decide they’ve had enough. The slush fund won’t last forever. We’re tracking it closely and should know exactly when it is signaling a big problem.

Of course the Fed could force the issue, by ending the RRP program, but there’s still the point where that fund hits zero, and simply isn’t there to absorb new supply. At that point the market would face an intractable problem. Lots of supply and no ready cash to absorb it. We know exactly what would probably happen then, because we know the positioning of the Primary Dealers at all times.

Rates and yields would xxxxxxx xxx xxxx (subscriber version). Bonds would xx xxxxxxx (subscriber version). Dealers and banks would xxxxxxx xxx xxxx. Massive Fed intervention xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx  xxxxxx.

We should soon be able to estimate the timing of that.

For now, I really don’t foresee a way out of this. Only the timing is in question. I’m staying away from the xxxxxxx xxx xxxx (subscriber version), and looking for xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxx.

Get the rest of the story and ideas on how to handle what’s to come  spelled out and illustrated in the subscriber version.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

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FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Works – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money

Prepare for Market Doom, the Moment of Truth Is Here –

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

The moment of truth has arrived. The debt ceiling deal is done. After a final paroxysm of T-bill paydowns totaling $209 billion this week, all that market support from the US Treasury will go in reverse. The Treasury market will get slammed with a tidal wave of supply to start to repay all the internal accounts that the Federal Government raided to stay under the debt ceiling.

Under the circumstances, I thought this would be a good time to look at Primary Dealer positions and financing, along with the usual QE and supply data in a report to follow. In any case, there are no surprises.

This situation is unfolding on the timetable we expected. The wildcard is the Fed’s RRP slush fund, which has been hovering around $1.5 trillion. The uncertainty lies in the fact that we don’t know how long that will last. What we do know is that the drawdowns will start very soon, perhaps this week.

The Primary Dealer data might give us some idea of how long the RRP slush fund will last before the bond market really starts to crack. It’s not an open and shut case that the holders of the RRPs will use all $1.5 trillion of it. I continue to think that some will stay put, content to leave their cash in these overnight RRPs with the Fed instead of moving back into T-bills. The sooner the amount of RRPs outstanding levels off, and the higher the level remaining outstanding, the more bearish it will be for Treasuries and stocks.

But first, since we last looked at the Primary Dealer data in late October, the dealers have dumped a ton of long Treasury inventory. They’re still highly leveraged, but their net long position is the lowest it has been in 4 years. They’re getting prepared for the worst. Whether that will help them weather the storm is an open question that we will monitor closely.

At the very least, we need to be prepared for xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx (subscriber version) in stocks, and what should turn into xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx in Treasuries and other fixed income securities. Here’s what I would do about that.

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KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

Act on real-time reality!

FREE REPORT – Proof of How QE Works – Fed to Primary Dealers, to Markets, To Money

Why It’s Big Trouble that Real Time Tax Data Shows Economy Still Growing Fast

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The withholding data is the real deal. It continues to show the US economy growing rapidly. Inflation will continue to run very hot, and the Fed will remain under pressure to reduce QE. That showed up this week in Powell’s statement that the Fed will stop saying the bad word, “transitory” because people misunderstand what the Fed means by it.

Of course the real reason is that the Fed has been horribly, disastrously wrong, yet again. Just another in a series of compounding policy errors that work like compound interest over long periods of time. After a while, suddenly you’re talking about real money, and unimaginably big problems. So the Fed has a big problem now of its own making. There’s really no way out of this that doesn’t result in a mess.

The other change out of the Fed this week is that Fedheads are now talking about doubling the rate of cuts in QE. That would bring QE to zero by March instead of June.

Mark my words. That’s not going to happen. The markets will crash before that, and the Fed will reverse course, and restart QE, yet again. But how much damage will have been done already, and will the market still have the ability to get up off the mat again and punch the lights out on the upside?

My outlook now has more of a hard edge than it had a month ago. The Fed has demonstrated its cluelessness yet again. Therefore, I think that it is much more likely to be too late in response to the approaching “unexpected” crash that “no one could have predicted.”

Now, as they embark on another insane response to their previous insane policies, they face the massive compounding of the fragility they have caused in the financial system. The Treasury market simply won’t be able to maintain current prices and yields when the debt ceiling is finally lifted.  The Fed will be sharply cutting its purchases or indirect funding of Treasury issuance just when massive new Treasury supply will flood the market. It will be ugly.

So the rally in Treasuries has once again presented us with a gift horse. If I were trading Treasuries, I sure would not xxxx xxxx xxxx (subscriber version only).

Here are the data, charts, and analysis that tell you why you would want to protect yourself, and even profit from what’s coming at you very soon. It also analyzes the likely timing. Be ready.

Subscribers, click here to download the report.

KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW, before the Street does, read Lee Adler’s Liquidity Trader risk free for 90 days!

Act on real-time reality!